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Also got a PM from a forum moderator advising me that it's fine to report my own posts if I notice that I've accidentally torpedoed a thread. I have a lot of experimental experience so it happens distressingly often that I'll toss out an observation that should be well known but isn't and it'll completely sidetrack a discussion. Hitting the report button lets me flag a moderator on myself to get the topic split and hopefully make more room for both conversations.

People are calling to find out if we're open during the tornado warning. Of course we are because it's way safer for everybody to stay in the building where it's quite safe from such things, but do they really want to head out in that weather for a cup of coffee? So far the answer has been yes, they do want to go out in the tornado warning for someone else to make their coffee for them.

So far the biggest hassle in getting things moved over and set up has been that the Pop!_OS repo has inadequate dependencies for KMail leaving me unable to receive mail on one account and unable to send mail on any of them. Finding the correct package to satisfy the missing dependency fixed that.

The new computer doesn't keep the keyboard backlight settings between boots. I know how to query and change those settings from the command line so it shouldn't be too hard to just throw together a couple scripts to save and restore those.

First post from the new machine. As usual, I'll need to do significant customization.

Box of computer arrived a day ahead of schedule.

The bug was actually two bugs in the new range timers. One that would happen if the batch was planned to end before the start condition for the given range and another if the batch was planned to end before the end condition of the range. Easy enough to fix once I had some time to look into it. Also pushed the earlier bug fix that side-tracked me the last time I tried to work on this.

New laptop has supposedly shipped. Also fixed a bug that's been bothering me for a while.

Things wrong with the current machine: keyboard doesn't completely or reliably work, top bevel corners missing (wires exposed), hinge coverings missing, USB ports no longer make reliable connections to some devices, most of the bottom rubber is missing as are a couple screws, various broken plastic features. I'm thinking I might repurpose it into a media computer that I can drive from my phone through KDE Connect. Enough works more than well enough for that still.

64GB RAM, 2TB storage, 4.7GHz i7 12700H. I'll use all of that at least some of the time.

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And I ordered a new laptop. I've needed a new one for the past 2 years (this one is seriously falling apart). Pretty much fully loaded except I went with the lower end graphics which are still more than I need for what I do and didn't get a 2nd storage drive since by the time I need that I can probably get something bigger for less money and I know that the thing I'm getting will make that easy to install on my own. Wish there were a matte 4K screen option, but I can live with glossy OLED.

Also updated the shop's web site. New coffees from Guatemala and Sumatra are available to purchase:

Did a coffee tasting with two of the more recent hires. It's sort of a combination learning to distinguish different flavors and how geography and roast level affect that, history of coffee, mini seed to cup sort of thing that I do.

Ugh... Someone seriously chose to write a spec sheet with units in mg/dL? Milligrams per deciliter? Really? It's that hard to move the decimal point to get that in g/L?

Two dreams this sleep. First was the sequel to one last year in which I was hunting other people in my house. We were all armed with toy guns that shoot darts with suction cups on the end. Everybody used the same strategy as last time. For the 2nd one I was with another person and for some reason we ended up in a chemistry class where the teacher was missing so I sent the person I was with to let administration know while I took over teaching the class. That's a new one.

The cat is yelling at me. I will take this as a sign that it is time to eat cake.

Tracked down the source of an insta-crash. What's odd is that this used to work, is continuing to work on a different machine, and by all reasonable thought ought to continue working just fine, but I'm working around it anyway because the crash is happening deep in someone else's code and given that I need this to work now in the current reality, it doesn't matter so much that it merely should work.

Business idea: watch for new Google service announcements then build the thing its users will switch to when Google kills the product.

The cat has decided that she wants to rest her face on my arm. Maybe she likes the smell of the inside of my elbow?

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