And then right in the middle at and a bit past 2C I'm finding exactly what I expected for a nice medium roast where that acidity is still present, but balanced against good body and not overwhelming against flavors someone might reasonably identify as coffee.
On the medium dark side of things there are a couple roasts that are pleasant, but the coffee isn't offering anything that I can't get from an existing offering in the product line. Going darker still, it makes a solid French Roast, which is unusual for this particular mark. Something to keep in mind in case the coffee I planned to switch that to next doesn't pan out.
Lighter cups in the range pre-2C had a really interesting fruit punch aroma that's not at all what I'm aiming for but was kind of interesting. Unfortunately, none of that carried through to the flavor and especially on the first sip they're just unbearably sour. Good learning opportunity for staff at least to taste what something I wouldn't pick to sell is like.
It'll also be nice to test much faster data rates than I've previously had access to. It's one thing to understand that computers are really fast these days and ought to have the capacity to deal with significantly more data than anybody in the industry is using and being able to say, yeah, I've tested up a few orders of magnitude from anything you're likely to need.
3D printer is doing a test print for the base of some new organizing trays. I need something that's a bit larger than I can print so I want to make sure that the connecting bits to hook two prints together will work nicely. It looks like it should work on the screen, but I'll feel better confirming that with the physical artifact.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.