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When you're on the Enterprise you know you're going back in time because the ship's clock starts running backwards. You know how fast you're going back in time by how fast the clock is moving backwards. This was called out multiple times, so presumably someone thought this made any kind of sense.

It does not.

The cat would like to curl up and have a nap on me now.

I also considered just driving the whole way, but that would be a 31 hour drive and I'm not doing that.

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Did some travel searches for an event I'd like to get to later this year. The event web page gives an airport and shuttle information, but it's one of those little airports nobody flies to going that route I'd have long layovers and it would be very expensive. Alternately, I can fly direct to a major airport much cheaper, rent a car, and have a 2 hour drive between that airport and the event location. I'd get there faster and about the only way that doesn't end up cheaper is if I rented a Tesla.

Last week's focus on reports got a lot of progress and a nice list of remaining tasks that for the most part are easy things to pick up later. This week I'm going to focus on the configuration related stuff. That's what I'm going to try: focusing on a different functional area each week, see what I can get done on that which I can just start using, leave future me some guidance on what's left to do there.

So we know that the Enterprise-D cleans itself (good for the bloody ship, it'd have to given just how huge it is for the size of the crew else everybody would be too busy on janitorial duty to be at their stations), but the supposedly more technologically advanced Voyager has at least one crew member with a messy room. Did Voyager lose its self-cleaning function or can crew members just opt out for their quarters? Do Federation starships steal socks when people aren't looking?

On the plus side, this does let me get HTML export on reports basically for free, so I might add that in. Same approach will also work for CSV export, which I think would be useful.

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The approach here is to add a toHtml() to my report elements and when you print the report the report can go down the list of its elements to generate a web page, send it off to a web view with a convenience print() method, and I just use that. My main objection is that bringing in Chromium just for printing seems wasteful, but it does save me writing a lot of code that I'd rather not write today.

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Got printing support added to for reports in Typica 2. I hate the way I did it and will probably replace that eventually, but the way I did it gets me something that works for very little effort and honestly I'd rather work on stuff that makes printing less needed in the first place so further work on that is unlikely to be highly prioritized.

The cat is currently purring rhythmically across 7 octaves simultaneously. No clue how she manages that.

Reports in Typica 2 are now far enough along that I've started actually using those for production planning instead of going to another computer with Typica 1 for that. There's still a little more work to do with this, but for the most part all that's left there is bringing over the reports I want to keep. Some operations no longer require a database round trip and are thus much faster and this also represents a significant reduction in code size.

The cat has once again decided that the inside of my right elbow is the perfect cat pillow.

Left a comment about an awful hacky workaround I'd anticipated needing which did, in fact, turn out to be needed for now. On the plus side, a different related problem that could have existed doesn't seem to, so that saves me a little work.

I miss scroll bars. Can we have real scroll bars back please?

Spent entirely too much time trying to figure out how some stuff valgrind was reporting was at all possible. After failing to sort that out I did a clean build and the problems went away. Ugh.

Pluto TV's Star Trek Voyager channel has changed to being a DS9 channel in case anybody wants to watch that as it was originally intended: with advertisements trying to convince you that if you look like a normal person instead of someone with a professional makeup artist and a photoshop expert you should ask your doctor about deadly toxins and here are the 8 ways that'll really mess you up (but ask your doctor anyway).

The cat is pretty sure she wants to sit on me but is unsure of which direction she wants to face.

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