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Slowly chipping away at my tiny little web thing. For a long time now I've had a little C++ program with no UI for generating coffee roasting plans using relaxed cubic splines (I'd edit the source code with the new parameters, recompile and run to get something I can open in Typica). Without a UI I'm not inflicting that on others, but web browsers are more than capable of doing the same thing these days so I've got a very 90s looking thing in progress to replace that.

Oh no, I might be about to build a tiny web app. I'm massively out of date on that sort of thing, but I think I might be able to do what I want with a single self contained HTML file that could be opened in a browser from the user's local computer, so I'm going to try to make it that way first and see how it goes since some people consider the data this would work with to be sensitive and it's better if nobody has to trust that I'm not looking at it (not that I want to).

Thought up a program that I would find useful to have complete with a name, but searching the name turned up an iOS app already using it for a similar thing (nicer looking than something I'd do, less ambitious on the feature set than what I want, iOS only which is a pretty severe limit on its potential usefulness to me). Guess I'll just go with a code name to punt on the naming issue.

For my last day of the me filling in to do the baking job for a while I made (among other things) chocolate bottom cupcakes. Also used all the cream cheese so I'll have to put that on the shopping list so the person doing the baking tomorrow isn't surprised by the lack of cream cheese (like I was yesterday by the insufficient supply of blueberries).

Repairs have been finished. I've let the cat know and she quickly decided to return to one of her preferred seats.

Another ladder is being deployed. This is the easier side of things so I might be getting wired Internet back soon.

Also, the cat has figured out what's going on and has moved to her stranger danger spot so I don't have to hear her clawing at the door anymore.

Looks like repairs should be possible. The main concern was getting a ladder to one of the places it needed to be and it's there now with work happening. I asked if they wanted the inside hardware up and running or if I should leave it off (I turned it off so stuff would stop trying to connect to it and to save a little electricity) and they said to go ahead and have everything hooked up and powered on.

The cat is trying to get back into her preferred room, but I can't let her back in yet. She does have her food, water, litter box, and access to more than half of the house.

Looks like the correct answer is First half. If you want to cheat, now is the time to answer the poll. They're not sure if they'll be able to fix it, but they're going to give it a try.

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Pro tip: don't vote for right on time/early - The start of the window has passed and they're not here, so it's no longer possible for that poll option to be right in this timeline.

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I'm hoping they arrive sooner rather than later because they don't want interaction with my cat (my cat is also likely to just hide from people who aren't me, but she's cut off from the room she spends the most time in until that's done so I don't have to chase her down if she decides to be uncooperative later)

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When will the Internet repair tech arrive in relation to the appointment window?

(old Internet wire was broken by part of the neighbor's tree falling through it)

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Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I'll be doing the baking for the shop (first 2 people in line for that job are both taking some vacation time and I honestly like doing that job every now and then) so an early morning, then I have an evening appointment for someone to replace the Internet wire running to the house which I apparently need to be present for.

The phone menu doesn't seem to have an option for "I can see the broken cable and someone needs to come out and replace that." So no wired Internet until the evening after tomorrow.

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Turns out Internet access has not been restored at home because a neighbor's tree branch fell on and snapped the cable in half.

I'm always kind of surprised at how well the phone tethering works for gaming, even though I know enough about how that works under the hood that I really shouldn't be.

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