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It's far enough along that it would be obnoxious to have to re-brand it before launch.

Went ahead and bought the domain. I haven't set anything up on it yet, but that's where I'm going to put the project I've been working on lately. I've decided to call it CRUCS - Coffee Roasting Using Cubic Splines.

Continuing to make adjustments to the page I've been working on. It's starting to come together rather nicely now. Maybe I can do some testing to make sure everything is fine in Safari/Edge soon.

Pretty sure my mother owns a chainsaw. She'll probably let me borrow that.

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Internet is back on. I have another new cable running to the house installed in such a way that it's highly likely someone will need to come back out and do that again, so I'll have to see what I can do to mitigate that risk. I'm thinking I'll need a chainsaw.

Spent some time reworking some of the visual styling. It's pretty obvious that I'm not any kind of visual designer but at least it looks less messy.

Got another text message from my Internet provider letting me know that my service has been restored and asking me to cancel my scheduled technician visit. Only problem with that is my service has not been restored.

Commented and re-organized the code. I want this whole thing to stay self-contained in a single HTML file so someone could just File->Save Page As and get something that they can run locally without a network connection and I also don't want a build step while I continue to work on this so I'll be making it easier on myself if there's some kind of organizational structure instead of just throwing everything someplace convenient at random.

Continuing to refactor the code on my current web project. Initially I did everything quick and dirty to make sure it was working for a single data series, but multiple data series are too useful to leave out. I'd already done the math heavy part of this work previously so now it's making all the user facing stuff work with that. This is letting me delete a whole bunch of code which'll also make the next round of feature work easier.

Since I don't want to chew up my phone bandwidth on streaming, today's background noise is Tetris Effect theater mode on auto-play.

Internet company will send someone out to fix things for real hopefully tomorrow morning. The cat won't like that.

Internet company says they've fixed things, but they didn't.

Still no wired Internet at home, but at least this time it's not a case of the wire going just to my house being snapped.

I wonder if my house has Internet service yet. No updates since the third one that stopped estimating last night and it was still out when I left for work.

Did a bit of work on the print styling for the thing I've been working on lately. I want this to be usable by people who don't have a computer connected to their coffee roaster and the easiest way to go there would be to print something nice to paper that someone can slap into a clipboard and have ample space to write in their measurements and observations.

Have gotten 3 notifications about the outage: one letting me know about it and estimating a repair completion time. Another with a revised later completion time. A third with they're working on it but who knows when it'll be back up. In unrelated news, I'm finally finishing off a bottle of scotch I was given a bit over 1.5 years ago.

Weather has once again knocked out wired Internet in my area. The cat is taking comfort in curling up in my lap.

And a good choice for domain name isn't registered for that. Should I go ahead and get that? Hmm...

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