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Hmm... Nope, don't want to do pictures now. I can always push an update with pictures later, but I want to move on to other work for now.

Wrote a new article, "Cubic Splines and the Lost Art of Roast Planning". I think it might benefit from some pictures.

The cat has been retrieved. She's doing her usual patrol around the house but will probably be sitting on me soon.

Last night's return flight was more full than the flight out, but still not packed. I had a guy in my row on the aisle seat who was also working on stuff and we shared the extra space from the unoccupied middle seat. Still, would have been nice if I could swap the laptop battery without using a screwdriver since the outlet wasn't going to work for me.

Ordered another couple thousand pounds of coffee. Needed to keep the order on the smaller side. One thing that I was hoping to get would have been pretty old, new stuff showing up next week but I don't want to delay getting the other things in to wait for that so it'll have to get pushed out a little farther.

Airplane power outlet doesn't work with my laptop so it's almost out of power now, but I got a decent amount of work done on CRUCS before the battery level got low enough that I don't want to start on anything that I'd be upset about having to stop due to running out of power. I reserved the emergency exit row window seat specifically so I could use a computer as those rows are the only ones outside of first class anymore where that's a reasonable prospect.

Someone sent some money in support of CRUCS. Putting in a place for people to leave a message was the right call as it got a conversation started where I could get an example file they were having trouble importing (because it was in a format CRUCS doesn't support but easily could [local dev version now does]). Expect a new version to go up before the end of the week. There are a few other improvements that I'll want to lump in with that and maybe a how to.

Team I was on came in 2nd. I scored our coffee highest, but the winning team's coffee I scored only 1 point lower so I can't complain about how that turned out.

won a basket of prizes for being fastest at solving the roast magazine crossword puzzle. there used to be another book in there, but I already own a copy so I gave that one away.

Roasted a couple batches on machine I haven't used yesterday. One rep seemed amused by the approach I took, but you don't really get a feel for what a machine can do without straying from orthodoxy.

Did the event registration/pick up my bag of stuff. Bag of stuff included socks. Already had some good conversations.

It's close enough that I have my documents just in case.

Phone just said Welcome to Canada, but I'm pretty sure I haven't quite crossed the border.

Today's flight was mostly empty. Weather is about the same here as it was at home.

CRUCS is now officially available for general use. If you need something to make realistic coffee roasting plans for intentional profile roasting instead of just going YOLO at the machine, check it out.

CRUCS is now officially available for general use. If you need something to make realistic coffee roasting plans for intentional profile roasting instead of just going YOLO at the machine, check it out.

Catching up on Star Trek and did I miss the explanation of how Guinan next year has forgotten meeting Picard a couple centuries prior?

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