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Almost (but not quite) all of those are IPv4 addresses, so if we really needed to claw back some allocations to get more productive use of the space, these would be a good start IMO.

Roasted product development batches of new coffee arrivals. I now have 63 distinct cups of coffee to taste and evaluate.

Any bets on how high the ban count will get by the end of the day?

Still have no idea why TikTok would care about my little Gitea server at all, but if anybody there is upset that I'm banning their bot, just check out the repos like a normal person.

As of morning, bot traffic is massively reduced with 1517 IP addresses blocked. There's still a very slow trickle getting insta-banned, but it looks like I don't have to add anything else to the filter for now.

>400 blocked. The bots have to run out of addresses eventually, right?

Repos have been put back public for humans (or better behaved bots). Banned IPs are now up to 218.

Well, I gave the bots every chance to not be raging asshats but now I've dropped the ban hammer on 148 IP addresses and counting. Bot wants to crawl my server? Sure, don't care. Bot wants to do that so aggressively I got alarm bells ringing from the huge surge in traffic? Well now you get nothing.

Temporarily setting all repos on to private since I don't have time right now to sort out a better block to the current bot attack. If a human needs something from there, let me know.

Why the heck is ByteDance trying to DOS one of my servers?

More coffee arrived, but I need to order more coffee.

Shop has a new laptop for the bagging area since the old one self-destructed (I've known it was going to do that for a while). Currently going through the whole figuring out how to disable all the junk. It doesn't need to be a good machine (and it isn't) but I did talk my sister out of trying to go with something too awful.

Enjoying another coffee from a different roaster. This one is not as nice as the previous one (personally, I would have roasted this one darker) but still pleasant enough to drink.

Sent out a press release to spread the word about CRUCS. Hoping to get some time to write up a few more articles and tutorials about different ways of using the software, but that's probably not happening today. Anyway, if you need a better tool for making coffee roasting plans,

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