Tasting production test batches of the new coffees today. Starting with the Ethiopian. This is the lightest of my test batches and I was a little worried as the initial exploratory work lacked intensity. I pulled the data from the lab roaster into CRUCS and edited a plan that pushed the roast faster, just a tiny bit out past a standard cupping roast. Bright, sweet, much better intensity, quite aromatic.
Exploratory work on the new Ethiopian coffee was quite good. I'll want to adjust the timing a bit to give it an intensity boost, but I'm getting the flavor profile that I asked for. This was a national jury selection out of Cup of Excellence (so it didn't go to the online auction, but was picked out as very nice), grade 1 natural, I'll be going on the lighter side with this. I can actually coax a bit of blueberry even out of a dark roast, but the overall flavor profile works better light.
One of the coffees had the oddity of the price I'm paying being significantly less than what I know the farmers were paid for it. I don't know how much of that is my supplier wanting to get rid of it while it's still delicious and how much of it is their hedge people just being that good, but this lets me charge less for the finished product as well.
For my birthday, WI DOT sent me a letter letting me know that they're not sending new license plate stickers until I get emissions testing done on my car. Usually if they think I need that they bother to mention it before taking the renewal money, but I guess that slipped through the cracks this year.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.