USB stick broke. The parts related to storing and retrieving data work fine, but there's a little hole on the side that I used to attach a little charm to it since otherwise it's too small to easily get out of some of the stuff I plug that into..That's the part that broke as I discovered when the charm fell off and its string was still intact.
I don't know where the political text message spammers get their lists, but I've apparently ended up on both the pro-choice (which I am, mainly just as a pragmatic realist who recognizes that the way to fewer abortions isn't just banning abortions) and anti-trans (which I'm not because I've both employed and partied with them which makes it hard to think of them as a threat [to what?]) scare mongering lists. I keep replying STOP.
There's sort of a weird tradeoff here. I tossed it out for anybody to use for free (it's all done as a single static HTML file with no server side anything so serving this is super cheap) so there isn't any need for a sales pitch on the site. You just go there and start using it, but that also means that there's no good place to onboard people.
Unrelated, I got an email and a phone call from one of my candy suppliers letting me know that they think they put some chocolate in the wrong kind of wrapper and want me to destroy one item when it arrives with my latest order. None of my staff has the food allergies they're rightly concerned about so making them all aware of the issue and letting them eat it if they want any is probably how that's getting destroyed (rather than completely waste otherwise perfectly good chocolate).
Spent some more time on series comparisons for the next release of CRUCS. The part of the range analysis that gets displayed as text in a table is done, though I'll want to go through and come up with some nicer styling for that, but the next thing to work on is a graphical representation. I'm not going to work on that anymore tonight.
House has heat again and a fancy new thermostat which I have so far declined to allow Internet access. Down side, the old thermostat was a very simple mostly mechanical thing that never had any problems (this was used for at least 2 furnaces and the one that just got replaced was 26 years old) while I have less confidence in the longevity of anything that even could connect to the Internet. Up side, I can see what it thinks the temperature is from a couple rooms over.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.