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Ignoring a wholesale request email for several red flags: No business name provided, residential address, lack of familiarity with offerings listed on web site, request for samples before seeing pricing, "lost" their previous coffee supplier, far enough away that they should really be trying to find someone closer to them anyway. Could be legit, but they're making themselves look like a scammer.

I don't know if anything is going to come out of it, but I seem to have started working on something that's sort of a hybrid between old style community forum software and long form blogging platform with specific affordances for communicating with data relevant to professional coffee roasters. Worst case I have some fun, learn some things, and toss the result, but even if all I really get out of it is a weird CMS for my other projects that might be useful enough.

For those wondering, the side jobs I pick are all cases where the company or non-profit or whatever organization is contacting me directly because they either already know who I am and what I can do or they've called around to people they know and got referred to me that way. (I've also done the you don't want to bring me on to this, because so and so is better on that thing.) A general recruiter isn't going to know enough to correctly identify anything I'd be interested in.

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Anyway, I've been doing the report spam and block thing on those.

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Have been getting an uptick in low effort job recruitment messages and I don't know what list I ended up on, but I own a company and while I don't mind taking on side work, I can be very selective about that. If you're not going to tell me up front what the job even is, I'm too expensive for you.

I don't need another coding project. I don't need another coding project. I don't need another coding project. I don't need another coding project. Damn. I might need another coding project.

Grocery store was sold out of some stuff I wanted but that's fine, I can eat different foods.

Spent some time last night scripting a video and I kept trying to go off on weird historical tangents to the point where I'm thinking, nope, that just needs to be a blog post instead.

This one is geared toward experiment design and iterative profile development. People shouldn't use the new feature all the time, but it should be a good QoL improvement for people who need it while being ignorable for people who don't.

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Started work on implementing what I think is probably the biggest feature for what I hope will be the next update to CRUCS, though there are a few things that I'd like to try to get into that. This involves one highly invasive change that I'll need to audit the whole (thankfully small) existing code base to make sure everything is updated to do things slightly differently and there's an aspect where I'll want to try a few different approaches to see what works best.

Had my best first ball to date on this table. The later balls were less great, but still good enough to destroy Mars and get some more points after that. I'll take it.

Who is the best pokemon and why is it MISSINGNO?

How to identify the villain of the story: look for the person wearing the nicest suit.

The cat was very insistent about petting my face this morning.

Is Nessie getting more popular? I'm seeing more Loch Ness Monster merch around lately.

Today was fill out the insurance premium audit day. That always puts me to sleep. Going to make another batch of chai concentrate next.

New tutorial video is up. Here I'm taking roasting data from two batches of coffee where the data initially looks very different and I'm showing another way of looking at the data which explains how these ended up matching on the sensory spec.

It's an analysis technique that I've been successfully using for over two decades that never really caught on, I think in large part because there wasn't any software to make it easy. The latest CRUCS update changes that.

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