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Finished off the gift trail mix. It had too much excessively large dried fruit chunks (I'd replace that with smaller chunks and more banana chips), but otherwise it was pretty good.

i cannot help but read the package name "kdesu" as "k desu" instead of "kde su"

I've made a surprisingly large number of espresso con panna today.

Is it possible that the Iron Giant in Atelier Rorona DX Orthogalaxian doesn't spawn if you walk very slowly through the area where it would normally ambush you?

They also take the shiny metal bubble wrap that's used to insulate chocolate shipments.

Teachers just walked out with the giant slabs of foam the tool chest was packed in. A lot of the weird packing materials I receive end up getting used in art projects that way.

The first in a new sticker series im doing for an art fair! Bats bats bats~ :slime: :starry_eyes:
#mastoart #bats #marigolds


So, CSV export on all reports: not happening. CSV export on some reports: probably not happening but maybe. CSV export from some kind of query explorer: decently likely if I can figure out an interface that's not completely awful.

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On the other hand, I can also see how it could be useful to have something built in with a lower learning curve for weird one off data exploration tasks that don't really fit the model of a pre-canned report.

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Personally I'd rather get the feature requests of what deficiency in Typica is leading them to the idea that they want this data in a spreadsheet to begin with and see if it makes sense to improve Typica with regard to that use case.

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The main use case when anybody brings this up is using the data in a spreadsheet, but every major spreadsheet application can just connect to the database directly (it's PostgreSQL) and leave Typica out of that side of things. Similarly, psql can output CSV through the \copy metacommand if you wanted to use a spreadsheet that runs in your web browser instead of a local application. Both of those are probably better choices.

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Got a question about adding CSV export to reports in Typica and I can't tell if it's a good idea or a terrible idea. A thread.

Sandwiches for dinner because I need to eat the food.

Kia dealer keeps trying to get me to trade in but I like not having a monthly car payment and would rather keep it that way.


Has anybody made a site like isthegovernmentshutdown.whatever that just returns a yes or a no?

late stage capitalism 

Tired: Training employees while paying them a wage for the work they can do.
Wired: Unpaid internships.
Inspired: Getting people to pay you for the opportunity to do unpaid work.

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Asking people to pay money to do work is seriously messed up.

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