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Also, here is a photo from last week of Nocturne gazing longingly at the tomato plant.

(He would later go on to not only chomp a leaf, but ingest a mouthful or two. And then he spent the next day feeling gross and hiding under the couch. I'd like to say he learned his lesson, but he did not—so now we have new rules about him being on the balcony.)

I'm all for freedom of speech. In fact I'm so much for freedom of speech that I purge assholes who troll and harass people they don't like so that people feel comfortable speaking freely here.

And by all means, if you're one of those assholes, please absolutely do drop into my DMs so I can boot you off the island. I've been doing this all day and I see no reason to stop now.

Freedom of speech!!!!

Today's coffee tasting should be an article. It's been a while since the shop has done a newsletter.

"Well, traveler, you have bested my traps, solved my riddles, and defeated my guardians. What is it you seek from me!"

"Package for you."

"I... what?"

"Package for you. Sign here, please."

#MicroFic #ShortStories #CreativeWriting

What should I eat for dinner? Tummy stat is currently at 12.

It would be nice if the tracking number on the machines showed anything.

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Sent a bunch of requested photos to the company installing the espresso machines so they know what to expect before they get here. Electrical, water, holes, that sort of thing.

BTW, threatening to sue former clients when there's absolutely no plausible basis for a suit is a great way to convince someone that they made the right choice to no longer do business with you.

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I don't know how this is in parts of the country where there are more places with espresso machines, but in my corner of Wisconsin service techs start out great and then go insane. I had one who just suddenly dropped completely off the map (fled the country it turns out) without telling any of their clients. Another one started messing with brewer settings inappropriately. There was the one who threatened to sue me when I told him we no longer required his services.

Had a conversation with the company doing the espresso machine installations to make sure those can go smoothly when the machines arrive. They seem sane so far, which is frankly a nice change of pace.

you know people think its pretty ridiculous when old people get totally lost using their computer but i get the same way whenever i try to use windows

(the AP and internal services came up much faster, but the connection out to the rest of the Internet took a little longer)

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Had a brief power outage at the shop. That didn't interrupt anything that could potentially be dangerous, but did knock everybody off WiFi for a few minutes.

how do you pronounce Evangelion?

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