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I wouldn't normally do a special batch for a single pound order, but for the first online order I'll do that.

The shop's web site just got its first online order! It's listed as order #25 because I didn't reset count from testing.

Disney's Gargoyles is the time travelling alternate universe Star Trek spin off. David Xanatos is really the Riker with fake sideburns, Titania is the further evolution of Lizard Janeway.

In case anybody didn't realize, the H. stands for Hologram. Like starting a robot's name with R.

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After Picard, which Star Trek character should get their own spin off?

Idea for TV series: Kai Opaka's Immortal Adventures after she was left in the prison where nobody dies from the creative team behind Murder, She Wrote.

Fuck (problematic group) is the wrong sentiment. That's how you get more of them. Instead, don't have sex with them. There are plenty of non-nazi or whatevers in the sea.

Next video is almost out of editing. Will probably get uploaded tomorrow (by which I mean some time after midnight). As usual, PeerTube gets it first. Link in profile.

I've just enabled online sales at

The only things you can currently buy there are one pound bags of whole bean roasted coffee. Hopefully this was not a horrible mistake.

Had to explain to an employee that while what he was trying to do was technically identical to doing things the way he was trained, it was legally different and he needed to do things in a way that wouldn't get us in trouble if an inspector came through because in this shop we try to comply with relevant regulations even if they don't make a lot of sense in our specific context (there's usually a broader context where it does make sense).

A background check company called about a former employee. I said all good things about them (which are also true).

The bouncer squints skeptically at the ID. "This really you?" he asks, half-jokingly.

"Well, no, it's not," Magritte says, "it's a representation of--"

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