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"Our customers frequently tell us that the recipients of gifts adorned with our big bows are more impressed and excited to receive the bow, than the gift itself. This is the kind of impact that you can only achieve with an impressive big bow."

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Did this email pretending to be from Microsoft really just spell 0ffice with a zero? In the subject? Fantastic! I know it's a scam without even opening it. (well, that and the fact that Microsoft would never send mail to that address)

Just in case anybody else is having this problem, clearing the browser cache fixes it.

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Just got a voicemail from someone claiming to be my grandmother (my grandmothers are dead) trying to get me to not vape (Never have vaped, not interested in trying). Sent back a message letting her know she has the wrong number.

If we want to get *really* scifi, maybe these hypothetical carbon capture machines could construct *themselves* out of captured carbon, possibly using some kind of tiny pod containing most of the materials needed to get started as well as the information to construct the entire machine... Maybe these pods could, themselves, be made through carbon capture using the same machines, making them self-replicating without any technical skills needed

But this is all some kind of absurd pipe dream, of course. It's not like self-replicating material-producing carbon capture machines grow on trees

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Atelier Ryza: apparently it's appropriate for one's first alchemy book to include bomb making instructions.

fun fact: the german article “die” is read by most english trained algorithms as "die"

this legitimately means you can get a 12 hour ban for talking about "the boomers" auf deutsch on birdsite

Fediverse, what is the sound you make when you want to summon a cat?

If you don't see your option listed, pls reply and boost

Is there a reason why after upgrading my server to 2.0 video embeds are broken on Firefox (Mac, Windows, Linux), Chromium (only Linux tested), but works on Safari (Mac), Chrome (Linux), and Edge (Windows)? Just external embeds. On the site itself everything is working fine.

If any of you come across a Mario mod that replaces Yoshi with a horrible goose I ask that you notify me directly.

Started playing Atelier Ryza and I have to wonder, if Ryza hasn't seen alchemy before, why is she already dressed like an alchemist at the start of the game?

Speaking of Breath of Fire, am I still the only person who actually liked Dragon Quarter?

In case anybody wanted to buy some of that coffee to try it for themselves, the link to purchase that is:

The page also has an embedded PeerTube video that walks through my product development process for that coffee. In that I'm also talking a little bit about why you can't really go from some of the things you might measure as part of a quality assurance process directly to a marketing term for roast level (as I'm again trying to dissuade the guild from trying).

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Tried mixing in a bit of my current Ethiopian in an espresso blend and at 10% it completely dominates the flavor, so I'm probably not using that. A couple years ago it would have been on trend to just do 100% that, but while that's nice as a rare change of pace, I wouldn't want to drink that every day.

Idea for a TV show: "The Good Cat". The title is all I've got.

Cat has developed this funny resting position, hanging her front paws off the ottoman. #mastocats

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