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I think I'll start telling my kids "I have spoken" instead of repeating myself

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That's getting some dark roast flavor but not to the point that I'm losing body and the sweet apricot note really pops here. Flavors continue to hold up as the coffee cools.

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Each cup was delicious so the new coffee from Sumatra makes the cut for things to recommend to home roasters (you can end the roast about anywhere and won't have messed up too badly), but I want something around here to sell.

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Figuring out how I want to roast new coffee from yesterday's delivery.

Someone commented that my cat was adorable but then they deleted their comment.

Annoying voice in my head: "I wonder what it would take to write a FOSS replacement for myFitnessPal or Google Fit."

Me: "No. Stop. Don't even fucking do it."

Apparently generated, "With a powerful narrative, you should be able to go from raw materials to a launch ready vehicle in 60 days." I'd like to remind everybody that that's pretty much how Patchouli built her moon rocket.

Sometimes I wonder if the cat is copying me or if I'm just being cat-like. As a child I was raised by a cat so either is plausible.

I saw the cat playing with luggage and when she noticed I was looking at her she looked straight at me and went *MEOW*

Got to talk about hot pot at work today. That's the meal that got me to learn how to use chopsticks. I looked at that and said something like, "I don't see how that's going to work if I don't learn to use chopsticks," so that's what I did.

Just got the code for free attendance at my next event since I'm teaching a class there. Unless something else comes up super last minute before then my next event is in Portland, OR this April. I'm considering taking the train since Amtrak runs a Chicago to Portland route and I've never done such a long trip by rail.

The house is plenty warm but the cat knows it's getting cold out and has gone into extra heat seeker mode, which is really something considering that this is the same cat who only has enough cuddles after 36 hours.

Obscure Star Trek reference; Protest plan; Not sure how serious 

Protest against wealth inequality

Date: September 1, 2024

Location: San Fransisco, Sanctuary District A

* Sign that has Benjamin Sisko's face spray-paint stenciled on it; text says: JUSTICE FOR BELL *

My hands were in sanitizing solution so the cat is going crazy over that. She loves the smell of bleach, I guess.

It looks like QuickBooks for Mac no longer saves just as a plain SQLite3 file readable with the usual command line program? I suspect they made the change to make it harder for people to notice how much of a dumpster fire their schema is. It's kind of impressive how poorly they were able to make that perform.

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