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In case anybody was still wondering, level 90 Ganyu completely wrecks Oceanid even with meh artifacts. (I think 2P was maybe under-leveled for WL7 since they were doing <1000 damage but it's fine, they were a good decoy to give me time to aim)

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Helped another player with Oceanid today. I didn't take a reward (out of resin) but they got what they needed and I got to try out Ganyu against that boss. I went with Ganyu and Qiqi, they had Lumine and Kaeya.

I've just been informed that there's a shortage of valentines chocolates in the market this year. I'm not in a chocolate giving relationship, but if any of you are, you may want to avoid waiting until the last moment this year.

When a book sponsor requests anonymity in their credits, I often use their initials instead. They show as "Anonymous JS" or "Anonymous FJ." They know, I know, nobody else knows. Fine.

The appearance of "Anonymous AF" is making me rethink this policy...

In China it's very common for people in business to give themselves a western name to make it easier to deal with foreigners who don't know how to say Chinese names. That's often a very common name, but today I got spam from someone who chose to go with Sauron, which might be close to their given name but probably isn't the spelling they should go with.

I don't know much about making video games, but what I do know is that floors are surprisingly difficult to get right.

Dog: Am I a good dog? Will you pet me? Can I have a treat?
Girl: You're a good dog, but the game developers won't let me pet you or give you a treat.

Another dev survey, another opportunity to request cat/dog petting as a feature.

Late night at work. This time for maintenance that's impractical to do while the shop is open.

One of my customers thinks she might have a cat that looks like mine that similarly broke into her house (she's only seen the tail). I guess that's what grey cats do now. They see a place they want to move into and just let themselves in and are like, "I live here now."

Can we still have the taco trucks?

I really want taco trucks. 🌮

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