Didn't completely finish the code I was working on today, but I got a good portion of it done and what I do have seems to be working correctly. Might pick it back up after dinner while there's a chance the design will still be in my head. I'm continuing the trend of the new code being simpler than what I wrote the last time I solved this problem so still feeling pretty good about this rewrite.
CERN: Welcome back, Sir Tim.
TBL: Web's haunted.
CERN: What?
TBL aims Large Hadron Collider at his old NExT workstation. "Web's Haunted."
Video of this morning's run: https://video.typica.us/videos/watch/e3246e2a-de75-47d9-87fd-e63f0e4c95b0
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.