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It has come to my attention that I am making some people feel stupid. This is not my intent and likely means that I'm not explaining something well enough.

Today's coffee tasting was a new coffee from El Salvador. Natural process, Pacamara from a farm that my sister has visited. This performed pretty well across the whole range so I'm going to do production test batches of a light, a medium, and a dark roast, brew full pots of those, and decide what I'll sell based on how those perform.

Today's junk mail was of a religious nature. It wanted me to imagine a world with no healthcare and no medicine and tried to spin that dystopian nightmare in which I would have died several times over by now as a hopeful vision of the future. Sorry, but if I wanted the be fed that kind of shit I'd become a Republican.

My supplier would have taken the extra coffee back if this didn't work out, but it's easier for everybody if I don't have to do that.

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Production test batch using the new coffee from Nicaragua as a French Roast turned out good. I wasn't planning on roasting the coffee like that, but a warehouse mis-pick means I have twice as much of that coffee as I ordered so being able to use it for something that I sell a lot of will help me use the excess in a reasonable amount of time.

Finally got through to someone and my coffee supplier will send the coffee that I didn't get. I'll do some tasting and figure out of I can use the extra Nicaraguan coffee. If that's not going to work I can send the extra back, but if I can make it work that's just easier for everybody.

Got far enough on the current chunk of code to find more bugs to fix. There's a little more functionality to add, but I want to do a bit of clean up first.

My pack of free COVID tests arrived in the mail today.

I think I might order a pizza for dinner tonight.

Grr... the coffee that I ordered is not quite the coffee that was delivered and the one that I wanted most urgently is the one that got replaced with double of a different coffee. Hopefully they didn't double sell my coffee and I'll still be able to get it, but the person responsible isn't answering the phone so hopefully they notice and respond to an email promptly.

Expecting some new coffees to be delivered tomorrow and then another new coffee next week. One of the coffees showing up tomorrow needs to wait while I sell out of the coffee it's replacing, but the other three I can start working on right away.

Ah, the episode where LaForge updates Data's positronic brain with a Raspberry Pi.

It seems that I've been drafted into another guild. I've worked with at least three members in their leadership on some project or other over the years so I'm assuming they want me to work on something again.

The cat is requesting hugs so I guess I'm hugging the cat now.

Always nice to get a phone call from another coffee roaster just to chat about what we're up to these days.

Our COVID czar (my mother, a former nurse who has relevant educational and professional experience to interpret the local data for us) has authorized re-opening the seating area, so I'll be bringing chairs back out later today. If customers are willing to behave responsibly over the next few weeks as cases are expected to continue dropping, we'll be more likely to add more chairs, but given how people were acting before I removed the chairs last time I'm not optimistic.

I'm not going to buy one right now but I kind of want to get something like this some time and make Typica work with it. I think this could be a very good machine to hook into a coffee roaster. The analog input lines look like they should be upgrades over what's at my lab roaster without ripping that up too much and the dual RS-485 ports would make hooking up to a lot of things made these days pretty trivial, and then there are uses for lots of the rest of the IO.

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