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Continuing to chip away at a new Analysis tab for CRUCS. Most of the work that needs to get done there is boilerplate stuff, nothing challenging about it, but I'm also probably not finishing that today. Need to run some errands for the shop and then after closing we're hosting a memorial service for a customer who pretty much lived here for several years.

Not sure how DDG got the idea that CRUCS has a www at the start of the domain name, but clicking links from that search engine now redirects appropriately instead of throwing up a scary certificate error.

This is one of those things where I've been writing about the technique and how to use it for ages, but other programs keep getting it wrong.

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I've decided to add a profile translation analysis tool to CRUCS next. This is a technique for comparing roast data that I've used since the days of paper based systems and the key insight from that is at the core of Typica's profile translation feature, but having something a bit more powerful and streamlined for post-roast analysis might help more people to look at stuff like this and gain better insight into their roasting.

My mother was having a phone emergency, but I was able to scare it back into working so she didn't need to buy a replacement.

Shop's web site updated with the most recent arrivals. Mailing list post will go out a little later tonight.

If customer comments are anything to go on, skulls are coming back into fashion. I don't think most people commenting on it have realized that it's a coffee shirt.

One of my roaster friends mentioned me near the end of an interview that could use some more views. Sadly, I'm sold out of the coffee he mentioned. Good discussion with someone I've had the pleasure of working with on several education projects over the years.

Bot traffic still massively exceeds real humans, but at least it's down to a level where I'm not getting alarms about it.

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While some of the addresses have timed out of the ban list, that peaked just shy of 3000.

I've had a few ideas about different approaches to a live logging mode that I might add to the program later to make things a bit more convenient, but as things are now it's far from the worst option out there.

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New article up on CRUCS about my experience using this at CRG Retreat. While I didn't have this use case in mind at all while developing the software, CRUCS makes a pretty decent manual logging app if you don't have your machine set up to log data automatically (or if you're using someone else's roaster and don't have a good way to exfiltrate your own data).

Definitely made the right call skewing my pulls light on the new Tanzanian coffee. It's inoffensive as a medium roast, kind of funky in a bad way as a dark roast, but there's a nice broad range of light roasts that were quite good. It'll probably end up being the lightest thing on my shelf at least for a little while.

Yesterday's production test batches turned out nicely. I'm reserving the coffee to use to sort out blend recipes, but hopefully those coffees can hit the shelf tomorrow. Still have another 36 cups to taste before deciding on how I want to roast the new decaf arrivals.

Ban list is up to 2376. The overly aggressive bots are still showing up with new addresses, but the rate those are getting through is a lot slower now, almost approaching what would have been reasonable behavior that wouldn't have prompted me to make a filter to ban them on sight.

Almost (but not quite) all of those are IPv4 addresses, so if we really needed to claw back some allocations to get more productive use of the space, these would be a good start IMO.

Roasted product development batches of new coffee arrivals. I now have 63 distinct cups of coffee to taste and evaluate.

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