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Internet is back on. And unlike the last few outages it's also back on in my house.

Wired Internet at the house went down a bit after I left for work, isn't back up yet, no current estimate on when that'll be fixed.

someone is in the shop wearing what looks like the top of a Star Trek Voyager uniform (red)

The cat is trying to help me play Tetris. The problem with this is that the cat is not being very helpful.

Slightly injured the right hand middle finger. Scroll gestures don't work through the bandage and typing feels weird. It's a little better if I just don't use that finger, which I suppose is one of the benefits of learning to type without learning proper typing technique. My hands mostly don't care which finger or hand (big hands) I use for which key.

Typed up a reply to a toot, read it, thought, "am I about to be a reply guy?", smashed that backspace key.

Used up the last of my unfortunate chicken sandwich materials (unfortunate because larger than usual pieces of chicken and smaller than usual buns).

The cat is furiously mashing her face into a keyboard. She likes the clicky noises the keys make.

Cat is being extra affectionate. It might be because I opened up a pack of mint cookies.

Having chicken sandwiches for lunch. Have the unfortunate combination of larger than usual pieces of chicken and smaller than usual bread. The cat wants to sit in my lap while I'm eating that.

This quarter's water bill for my house is for exactly the same amount as last quarter's water bill. Also need to look to see if I have another book of checks and where that is because I have exactly enough for the bills I'm writing checks for this month, but will continue having bills to pay next month.

Poll: Are you in favor of loaded question designed to scare monger support for doing something about some total non-issue?

It would be nice if whatever it is that's trying to send fax spam to my cell phone would realize that's not going to work and find something meaningful to do with their life.

Finally finished setting up the (I hope) last things needed on the newish computer in the bagging area. I couldn't find the passwords for the two email addresses that machine checks for order processing so I had to look up how to change those on my server. Not a huge deal because I have the order emails also sent to my personal account, but now if anybody were replying to their order confirmations I'd be able to see and respond to those messages.

The main challenge was getting all the parts of the old lock removed.

Installed the early birthday present from my sister: a new lock for the back door. I'm having the porch deck out front redone so at the moment that door isn't practically usable, but getting home from work last night I discovered that the outside of the back door lock which worked well enough to lock the door on my way out no longer unlocked from that side (inside still worked). Needed to find a ladder to climb up to the front door to get in last night and would rather not repeat that.

Good to see the Lower Decks writers having the same take as mine about Tuvix. I get that it wouldn't have fit Star Trek at that time, but I think there's a lot that could have been done with that character.

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