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Finished up some code that I've only been able to get a bit of time here and there to chip away at which would have gotten done a lot faster with a larger contiguous block of time to write it in. Kind of want to benchmark it against the code that it's replacing because on the one hand what I just wrote is not even remotely optimized, but on the other hand it does way less than the code it's replacing.

Today's weird request was from someone who brought in their random probably stale coffee from who knows where and wanted to know if I could brew it for them in ways that we're not set up to do in any reasonable amount of time. Pro tip: Coffee shops are set up to use their own coffees, they have a menu of offerings, and if they're aware of the relevant food safety regulations they need to abide if they want to operate legally they can't use random ingredients of unknown origin. Don't be that guy.

Dear transphobic text message survey spammers, please resign and live a better life.

Getting a little more time to continue work on an improved mathable field for Typica today. Not enough time to actually finish the work, but at least it's become obvious what the rest of the code needs to be and I just need to type it and put together a bunch of test cases to make sure it does what I think it does.

The cat wants to be up on stuff but doesn't want to do the work of jumping herself.

Continuing to work on blend updates with new ingredients. The first blend matched just swapping the new ingredient into the old recipe, but the 2nd one needed the proportions adjusted from a 50/50 to a 60/40. The rest of the blends on my list are more complicated and may need more substantial recipe changes.

It's been a few years since the last time this was true, but Qiqi is once again my hardest hitter in Genshin Impact. Congratulations, Qiqi!

My sister sent a text message asking me to buy salt. My phone notified me of this about an hour after getting back without the salt.

Tasting production test batches of the new Costa Rican coffee. Medium roast from the previous lot is on brew so for that one I could do a side by side by side. Very good match.

The sweater I'm wearing today is about 25 years old. It's held up pretty well and still fits.

Finished tasting the initial exploratory series for the Costa Rican coffee that got delivered yesterday. Based on this, test production batches will come in a little bit lighter than the previous lot, though the lighter of the two roasts I'll do is still just a bit darker than the owner of the farm this coffee came from recommends.

Sometime after my lunch break and before I got back home after work the cat decided to go on a rampage. No apparent harm done, but that's somewhat uncharacteristic of her.

My mother is taking some time off work because she's having trouble with her arm. Naturally this prompted her to go out and buy a new paper shredder that is too heavy for her to lift in her current state so I'll be going over to her house after work to help her with that.

Chocolate cupcake (with cream cheese goop in the middle and a nut topping) for breakfast. It's one that's too old to sell but I'm certainly still willing to eat it.

Ordered the season's supply of Girl Scout cookies. Kid of a long time regular customer.

Why am I getting NFT spam? How did I end up on that sucker list?

Worked out a couple new coffee blends using the new coffee from Sulawesi. I'll probably need to do more blend reworks in the upcoming week when the Brazil switches over to the new lot.

On the early sips this time there's a broad range from cups 4 (very start of 2C) to 8 (out of 10 which is a bit beyond a French Roast) where I think a roaster could credibly choose any of those, but I do need to consider my existing customer base for that coffee and I also like to use it in blends in ways that will push my decision toward the darker side.

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