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The cat is trying to convince me to open the new bag of cat food, but I'm not doing that until she finishes the food in the bag that's already open.

Update: Fixed the bits producing that debug text. I can also just suppress those messages, but it's better to have a proper fix in place to avoid missing more serious issues should they occur.

Last night I was able to sort out a chunk of code that was giving me some trouble. I'm still getting some debug text to the console in certain rare conditions that I'd like to eliminate, but even in those cases the behavior is correct so I'm not going to worry about that too much.

This morning as soon as I woke up the cat started talking to me and made sure she got her morning sitting on my lap session. At one point I had to catch her because she was about to roll off onto the floor.


My phone has been doing a fantastic job of filtering out almost all of the political spam texts but I'll be glad to not be getting so many of those for a while.

Decided to try a different data structure design for a bit of code I've been working on lately. The original design is kind of a pain to work with and I think the new design might be better.

Someone texted me a thumbs up emoji and my phone decided to animate assorted monster hands giving a thumbs up around the reply. I'm pretty sure some of the depicted monster hands shouldn't have thumbs.

If you're sending me a survey about how you did before you've shipped my order, do you really want me to answer that?

My bottle supplier said they won't have lids for my bottles until the middle of December so I've found my supplier's supplier and ordered from them instead. Why they didn't think they could just order more lids and fill my order that way is a mystery to me, but it's better to have an extra large supply of lids than to not be able to sell chai during the Christmas season.


I've recently learned that a cheap hotel I liked staying at a couple times that failed during COVID is open under new ownership now and is still pretty cheap for what you get (mixed but mostly positive feelings on the renovations they've put in). I'm keeping it in mind because if Trump gets elected I want to make sure that I'm out of the country for at least his first week in office just to be out of the way of day 1 as a dictator or giving the police a really violent day.

I will never understand why Star Trek's corporate overlords keep trying to prevent people from watching Star Trek despite decades of evidence that the shows do better when they get out of the way and let the shows find their audience.

The cat complained at me when I got home from work because she wasn't awake yet when I left so she missed out on her morning cuddles.

Today I've been redesigning some stuff and I'm trying to hit the right defaults as on the one hand the new design could be a lot more powerful than the old design and on the other hand I don't want people to need to read the manual for the most common use cases.


Last night I set a new personal best for damage per screenshot with Qiqi (personal best for that particular character, not overall). I think I might be able to squeeze out a bigger hit with better play.

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