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The cat thinks I'm sitting on something good that she wants, but I'm not.

I prefer my program code to be as unmagical as possible because I don't put trust in wizards who I hear are subtle and quick to anger.

Found a problem, identified a solution, decided that the solution seemed a bit too magical, found a less magical solution that I feel more confident in.

The cat gave me lots of head pats this morning.

Fresh supply of glue acquired; applied to things set aside in need of glue.

96GB of laptop RAM got delivered today. Still waiting for the machine I'll pop that in to.

Did some sample roasting so I'll have stuff that people want to try to sell me to taste tomorrow.

End result will be something with more RAM, more storage, similar performance (maybe a little better for some of my uses, maybe a little worse for others), but much lower power consumption so it should be nicer as a travel machine.

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Laptop upgrades are on the way. My current one draws too much power to charge on an airplane and is physically falling apart so I've picked out a new machine that's easy for me to upgrade myself. I can get higher spec parts than the manufacturer offers in RAM and SSD for half the price as if I let them pre-install to the same capacities.

New ice machine is getting installed today. The inside is very blue (old one is more grey inside).

Flights are booked and cat care has been arranged for a couple weeks of vacation I'm taking at the end of January. Still waiting to hear back from my first choice of hotel. There are still some other preparations that will be needed after that and coordination to make sure I'm not leaving too big of an inconvenience for others while I'm out.

The cat is trying to convince me to open the new bag of cat food, but I'm not doing that until she finishes the food in the bag that's already open.

Update: Fixed the bits producing that debug text. I can also just suppress those messages, but it's better to have a proper fix in place to avoid missing more serious issues should they occur.

Last night I was able to sort out a chunk of code that was giving me some trouble. I'm still getting some debug text to the console in certain rare conditions that I'd like to eliminate, but even in those cases the behavior is correct so I'm not going to worry about that too much.

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