For the 7th coffee I was hoping to do a couple different roasts, but the differences in cup character are so subtle across the tested range that there's no point. It seems to taste about the same no matter how you roast it (there are differences, but the intensity of flavors where those differences are detected is too low to try to build distinct products around).
The 5th coffee had amazing fragrance running through the grinder. This is another one where you just kind of need to decide where you want to balance the cup as it was nice throughout the range I'm testing. This is one that I like to use in blends so I tried to keep that use case in mind while making the decision.
The 2nd coffee is more narrowly delicious with the lightest cup and the darkest 2 cups coming out rather poorly. I can see someone deciding to do something on the lighter or darker side within those bounds, but I think it's best within just a few degrees starting at the start of 2nd crack. There's a very dramatic shift in the overall balance of flavors right exactly at the start of 2nd crack where everything nice about the coffee has both been developed and not been destroyed.
First coffee I need to taste today is quite good across a broad range of roasts. There are a few different kinds of flavor that can be pulled out here, but I can only pick one and it'll be something on the lighter side, though if any home roasters decide to pick it up, they can probably do whatever they generally like and they'll get something pretty good out of this one.
Disney's Gargoyles is the story of how Thomas Riker was transported to 1980s Earth where he used his historical knowledge of the future to get rich and meddle in the timeline. This precipitated the biggest cross over event in Star Trek history when an all star cast is assembled as undercover temporal agents trying to set right what once went wrong and save the Federation.
One coffee shipment has arrived. I still have 2, maybe 3 shipments to bring in before the end of the year. The uncertainty around the last one is that the shipping container arrived with damage so if it turns out that the coffee is wrecked my supplier will not be selling it to me. At least one of the remaining shipments is scheduled for Monday and that's the one that has the most types of coffee and the ones needed most urgently.
The rice cooker has successfully cooked rice. There are still two features that I wish were standard:
1. An estimate of how long until the cooker thinks it's done so I can decide if I stall on plating other parts of the meal or if I rearrange the dish.
2. A proper off setting (rather than needing to unplug the thing). I'll never intentionally use the Warm setting. All I need are Cook and Off.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.