Thank you for you quick reply Neil. So when I export to a CSV file.... It saves it as a "text edit" file. Is that how it should be?

@neal That solved my issue :) I was wondering if the "compare profile" option was still in existence. Is this a feature I need to select within "configure roaster?"

@neal Great Thanks! I will do that. I appreciate the help as always.

@neal Thanks Neal, here is a copy of the error message I get when I complete a roast. Would I need to re-download Typica to fix the issue? Is there some other setting I am overlooking? I know it's been a while now, but I seem to remember you saying that I had entered my green coffee inventory incorrectly and that was causing the error.

@neal is there anyway to keep my profile library and switch over to a full functioning version of typica?

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Greetings! I hope all is well. I have another question for you I was hoping you could answer.
I have been roasting now for a few months on the restored version of Typica you created for us. I was wondering if there was anyway we could introduce some of the other features (mainly the compare roast feature) into the software as it currently is.
To refresh your memory, each time I roast a coffee, in the notes, there reads an error message saying the version has been simplified.

@neal Hi Neal, you'll have to forgive me, I'm not very tech the Local Config/ImportFilters within Typica or is that something I have to find on my Mac?

@neal thanks Neal! I will give this a shot later on today. I appreciate the help once again. :)

@neal I just uploaded one of the last roasts I did on the IKAWA to NextCloud for you to look at. Hope that helps! Thanks again for the help :)

@neal Good evening Neal! Hope all is well. I was wondering if you could help me understand how to access an IKAWA profile I’ve uploaded into Typica. Where do I go to find it once I uploaded it?
If you remember back to our previous convo. I was having trouble loading any profiles at all and I was sent a new batch details window that helped solve this it possible that the ‘simplified’ batch viewer is prohibiting me from accessing this feature within Typica?

@neal Thanks Neal for all of the help these past few weeks! Your excellent customer service has been so valuable to us here as we worked through some confusion and connection issues. Thanks again for your speedy responses and willingness to help out!
Typica Rocks. :)

@neal if that's the case then it worked! and I uploaded it to that folder you sent through Nextcloud

@neal and then I just drop that folder into the Nextcloud?

@neal okay so I just tried again and it asked me for a password. I typed the password in but did not see any text appear on the screen as I typed...When I hit enter after typing it in nothing do I make the folder you were talking about?

@neal doesn't seem to be working correctly. I'm supposed to write /Library/PostgreSQL/11/bin/pg_dump-h localhost-Username-f backup.db db_name
in Terminal correct?

@neal Hello again, I do not know how to use pg_dump unfortunately. But the good news is that I am in a position to try and figure it out now!

@neal okay thanks Neal...I won't be able to access my info until later this evening (around 5pm) is that okay with you?

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