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No, I didn't mean "blast cherry". Who would even intentionally search for that?

3 boxes of tea arrived today. Also another 1000ish pounds of coffee.

New pipes and valve. Both hoses got replaced instead of waiting for the other hose to develop the same problem.

She's in her preferred hiding from strangers spot behind a chair in a corner upstairs.

Since decided to not support my new laptop starting in November for technically incomprehensible reasons (in other words, wait for the other shoe to drop on that story, in the mean time I'll keep my full disk encryption thank you very much) I didn't bother setting it up and went looking for alternatives.

:nextcloud: This appears to be working. It took a bit of searching around for extra documentation since I opted for and instead of Apache and MySQL.

Trying this out on Wine, it looks even worse than it already did on Windows but it seems to be as functional as it ever was (the SD card reader apparently maps to G: on this machine) and much faster.

Good to have as an option so I don't need to remember to bring a Windows machine into work any time I need to change PLU settings.

You can tell where the cat seat is by the fur clumps. Also by the presence of the cat. Will need to wash the blanket more often.

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