Show newer My first experience with Linux was helping a friend install it, but his Slackware floppies came with a book. (when I asked him to show me what was going wrong everything worked fine, turns out he accidentally deleted Windows that time around which magically fixed everything)

If the first line in your pitch is that you heard I was in the market for your product without telling me who your lead is on that, I will assume you're starting with a lie and proceed to ignore you forever.

 ᠎          ᠎          ᠎          ᠎       ᠎          ᠎          ᠎          ᠎          ᠎      


I write my own code for this sort of stuff mainly because I hate fussing with boxes on a screen. If it's all code I can just type what I want and the computer does it.

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Hopefully the extra time I'm spending makes the end result better.

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It's taking me too long to assemble the visuals (mostly because I haven't been able to put myself in the right state of mind to work on it lately) but at least I'm happy with how it's turning out so far.

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Finished the first slide for my next video, expanded the narration script for what comes immediately after that. The photograph isn't immediately visible (it slides in from the left and the stuff on the right rearranges to fit the smaller horizontal space, and this is also where the bottom text line becomes visible) and the stuff in the rectangle is an animated timeline that changes as I talk. @OCRbot

Also, still waiting for the stickers they said they were sending. I think the stickers are a lie.

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The monthly useless stats emails that I get from Shippo about packages sent based on online orders is nice, but the miles packages travelled stat goes to the thousandths of a mile and I'd be surprised if that's even accurate to the 10s of miles.

Game idea: dungeons and dragons. You can play either as a dungeon or a dragon. The dungeon's goal is to get a nice dragon to move in. The dragon's goal is to find a nice dungeon to live in. It's a dating sim.

My syrup supplier sent an extra 10 bottles of Irish Cream syrup (I ordered 12, they shipped 22) so now I need to get to the bottom of that mystery.

If I ever open a brewery it'll be named "Helpful Cat" and a picture of this boy will be on the label, casually pushing a bottle off a shelf. #MastoCats

*sees neat looking project*
*reads installation notes*
"just pip install whatever"
*tries following the instructions*
*install fails*

The stabilizer under the left enter key on my laptop has fallen out.

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