Something I noticed when using slow phone tethered Internet: lots of web sites are completely unusable at <100kbps. My sites still work just fine. I think it's because I remember 2400 baud dial up service and try to be a little conservative and not bloat things with stuff like every tracker known to marketing.
🎨 A painting/Fediverse experimentation:
With percentages of Red, Green and Blue, you can obtain a precise RGB color definition.
So, please vote for one or more color channel and with the mix of all the votes, I'll challenge myself to paint a fantasy landscape, using the result as the dominant color.
(PS: I'm doing full time inking/penciling on episode 37 and a bit of colored art cool-down would be great! Also I need a bit of 'Fedifun' this week. Thanks for your votes and boosts! )
Only took 7 employees to get to that point (plus at least 2 supervisors who I was told were called over because the problem is that my situation is supposed to be impossible so nobody knows how to fix the impossible when it happens).
Oh, but now I have a tracking number, so maybe someone finally did what they said they'd do?
So the hardware that was supposed to be delivered by yesterday at the latest that's still not here? Nobody bothered to ship that. Now they're saying I should have that Friday, but I'll believe it when I see it. Until then I'm still stuck tethering slow Internet off my phone. Low key impressed how well that works for video games, but I'd still like my wired connection back.
Working the bar with my sister today. She accidentally poured an iced coffee for a customer who wanted an iced tea then asked if I wanted the coffee. At first the answer was no because I don't like iced coffee but then I remembered that if I toss some hazelnut syrup and half and half in, it becomes sufficiently not coffee that I can enjoy that, so I did.
Today's code is very similar to code that I've written a few times before and I'm a little bit worried that this time around I managed it in about half as many SLoC as last time despite half of the approach being exactly the same, but I think the discrepancy is just that last time the code I wrote was just plain worse and tried to do more than it needed to do.
Still no Internet. I've talked to 4 people on the phone, one person on an online chat, and one person in a store, and all of them have told me that what happened shouldn't have happened and that they can't fix it, or that they can't do what the previous person said they'd do. I've used up the high speed portion of phone Internet tethering. The low speed version still works well enough for gaming, but not well enough for streaming.
Got home from work to discover that my Internet service had been disactivated. Three customer service people all thought this was very strange but couldn't just turn it back on so for tonight I'm using phone tethered Internet (with double the gaming ping) and I'll be picking up new hardware and a lower price after work tomorrow.
Fixed a couple bugs. One was legitimately an error in my code, but the other one is obnoxious. There's a condition where the code should be a no-op and if I actually do nothing, an unrelated thing doesn't happen, but if I do the thing that shouldn't have any effect, it forces the other thing to notice it has work to do. That still leaves one bug in the part that I'm working on, but I have a pretty good idea of where that has to be so it shouldn't take too long to track that down.
@gnomon @juliank Right, the amount of coffee is the thing that really sticks out here. For the amount of water initially used there, 19 grams gets you closest to general guidance. It's always better to err on the side of too much coffee as you can always water it down after the brewing is finished so maybe try up-dosing until it stops getting better.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.