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Getting home from work was way too stressful. Mostly due to other vehicles being driven badly, but road deconstruction, super wide trucks parked too far from the curb, and people trying to get run over didn't help. Did some gardening to de-stress.

This morning the cat tried to stop me from going into work by sitting on me. While she's on the heavier side as far as house cats go, I can pick up and move the cat so the strategy isn't all that effective.

Working on figuring out how I want to roast the new coffees. The one from Yemen smells pretty good before I roast it.

The cat is sitting in a box on the other side of the room and yelling at me.

Dropped a wall of text on someone. In fairness, they sort of asked for one.

Every time I get a new storage device I become impressed by how much stuff can fit in such a small amount of space because I'm comparing it to my first 20MB hard drive which was sized just right to go under the computer or to floppies. Then I get a little sad remembering that the 20MB hard drive could hold an entire OS, a version of Word that already had more than every feature I've ever used in a word processor, a few games, other programs, and assorted other files.

Ordered more coffee today. This includes some new things that I should be able to get out on the shelf promptly.

If I did this, I'd also want to add an on/off switch since there's a light and a fan attached to the camera that would always be on otherwise.

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The other trick is that it's possible that code I wrote here would be of absolutely no use to anybody else at all. That camera I have is a prototype that I'm pretty sure hasn't been turned into a product yet.

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One trick here is that I'm tainted from having access to the proprietary code on that external box. Anything I did would be a rewrite since I don't like Python, but I can't un-see the domain expertise from the original code.

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Considering adding camera support to Typica. Right now I have a camera mounted to the sightglass which is intended to feed into a separate box that processes the image and drives a 4-20mA current loop indicating the degree of roast, but if I cut out the separate box I could throw a lot more processing at that and probably expand the output range.

Removed a travel toothpaste from the cat before she could get in trouble with that.

@Taweret Or they could not and when nobody shows up to watch maybe the networks will stop trying so hard to fragment the streaming television space.

The orders are also mostly coming from people with email addresses that end in

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