To make it especially obvious that there's a lot of my work in here, one of the slides I've received has a photo of a hand written roasting log that I wrote close to two decades ago. This is something that's always kind of interesting to see because different labs make their own slide decks, but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them have pulled something from materials I developed. It's just a question of which things.
Downloading materials for my next teaching gig. This is a bit of an odd one in that technically I'm teaching a program someone else put together, except that it was put together based in very large part on work that I did a few years ago. I've been told it's fine if I want to add some additional stuff on dark roasting since people think I'm good at that, so I'll be looking over that material, seeing if there's anything I want to update or change up, and talk that over in a week or two.
@Taweret Someone should have the courage to release a proper successor to the N900. A physical keyboard would add some thickness back.
There are a couple things going on a truck hopefully today so within a week or so to get those on the shelf. I'm expecting the arrival sample of my next Ethiopian coffee within the next couple weeks and I'll try to get that in as soon as I can. Colombian coffee is expected a week or two after that. Then there are things that I don't have on contract that I'll be watching for SPOT availability and seeing if I can find something nice among those.
There's a thing that I'm doing at the shop right now just because there are enough coffees that I usually have that I can't get right now and I needed something else that could be a dark component in blends. It's half Brazil, half Rwanda roasted together in the same batch and taken quite dark. Turns out just that as espresso is very nice if you like dark roast espresso blends so that's what I'll be selling at least until some of the ingredients I'd normally use become available again.
Got a call from my sister this morning because she couldn't get her car to start in the grocery store parking lot. The symptoms sounded suspicious to me so I offered to drive over. Had just pulled into a parking spot and was about to go looking for her when a call came in letting me know that her car started, so apparently the fix was me getting within about 100 feet of the vehicle. It hasn't happened with a car before but that seems to happen with me and technology a lot.
It's been about 25 years since I did anything in Tcl, but it looks like everything I want for that is already installed on this computer so yeah, I guess that's my plan for after dinner. Slam out at least a start for one of the things I want and look up what I need for that as I go. (I probably have a book I can dig out)
(I don't expect any of these things to be particularly useful to others and am unlikely to share them)
@fribbledom Imagine if they just made the camera that thick all the way down. Why, they'd have room for... user replaceable batteries? Headphone jacks?
@cpsdqs COBOL?
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.