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@cwebber If I have to be a furry, lashes are a pain, but liner is a must.

@mike Follow up: do we really believe that Geordi isn't cheating with his VISOR (even if the cards aren't transparent to infrared, he'd still see physiological tells)?

Not sure why, but the shop's email list got a lot of new sign ups since the last update. That's almost doubled just recently.

The cat has decided that she wants to be inconvenient.

Hardware documentation says a space is used as a delimiter between fields and fails to mention that if you put it into a mode where not all fields are output, you still get the spaces delimiting the suppressed output. Also indicates \r\n as a line terminator and apparently that really means usually just \r but sometimes just \n and never actually \r\n. This is why I have trust issues.

Tasting production test batches of new coffees. So far they're all matching up with the labels from the last time we had similar coffees.

Pushed a new version of the software to the computer at the coffee roaster. It's working. Also investigated why one of my sensors wasn't reading on the little roaster. One of the channels on the data logger isn't working right so I've just moved the wires over to a different channel and will need to adjust the software configuration to match later. Oddly, the diagnostic tool that I used to sort this out was screen and issuing commands to the logger manually.

Finally unboxed my case of SCAA cupping bowls. Yes, that's right, SCAA, not SCA. Got them a while back after helping out with a class at a lab that had a whole bunch of extra cases. Plus side: none of them were broken. Minus side: no lids. There's enough new coffees that I need to sort out that I figured it was time to pull these out of storage.

Finished off the last of my too spicy chicken.

In related news, the cat is complaining that I took away her phone.

Sure enough, the cat had my phone. I wonder what she thought of all the notifications that came in while I was at work.

Had a good chat with one of my suppliers today who shared some information that another friend in the business wanted to know. Was going to message him with that but then remembered that I left my personal phone under the cat today so that'll have to wait until after I get home.

Previously I just used a library on Windows which was also kind of nasty to work with (it exposed some truly strange implementation choices), but if I just implement the communications protocol myself it should just work everywhere including on platforms that were never officially supported by the hardware.

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Messed with a bit of obsolete hardware and hey, Linux support looks to have gotten better. I hate the device's communications protocol, but I should be able to implement something that talks to it without much trouble.

"finished" the feature I was working on. It's still ugly and has terrible discoverability, but I can start using it now while fixing those issues.

May have overdone it on the spicy with dinner, but that's what cheesecake is for right?

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