Tooted from the old phone which of course continues to work fine for anything that isn't a phone call.
@mhoye Those platforms aren't going to burn themselves, I guess.
(What I'd really love to see is an updated version of the Nokia N900. I got 2 of those and didn't put phone service on either, but the combination of stylus, slide out keyboard, and my own custom software made it great for things like capturing observations at the cupping table.)
One thing that's particularly interesting is that I already have a sensor hooked up on my roaster and full access to modify the code interpreting that data such that I might be able to apply some of their results to live feedback during the roast. I don't have the time to work on that immediately, but hopefully later this year I can do something with that. No guarantee that work will turn into something useful.
This is important because it sets aside a bunch of stuff that I'll explicitly not use to block getting what's already a useful update out the door.
@technomancy @djsundog Wait, I though Mastodon had a president (Wotan the cat), not a CEO. @Taweret
The company hosting this server apparently went crazy and thought the only payment info they had was a card that expired two years ago that they had been using just fine until this month. Also fixed a health insurance payment that auto-pay failed to bother trying to collect and was I guess just not going to bother mentioning anything to me about that.
@Taweret Remember to avoid talking about the game without the express written consent of Major League Baseball.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.