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New Ethiopian coffee is expected to arrive this week. After that I'm expecting a delivery of coffee from Guatemala. The Guatemalan coffee isn't a new thing, just more to make sure I don't run out. Coffee from Sulawesi is on the shelf but not yet up on the web site.

"I find humans so endearing," Sh-px said. "They will literally look at any fearsome monster and say 'Will you be my friend?'."
"True," Dzzt9 said, "but they also look at each other and say 'You are a monster, you are my enemy!'."
"Endearing and scary."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Electricity is back on. Good timing as the cat was starting to decide the house was too cold and I was thinking a hot breakfast might be nice.

It's morning. Still no power, cause of outage still not determined.

The nearest mark with a cause identified says "tree" and also says the crew sent to fix it can't.

According to the earlier text, I should have wired Internet again, but given the lack of electricity I wouldn't know if that's available again.

It looks like the cat is completely uninterested in investigating the candles. This is good.

Time for candles. My matches aren't lighting, but the burner on my siphon pot works.

Checked the power company web site. Latest update on the power outage is that they don't know why the power is out and nobody is looking into it.

I'm trying to reassure the cat that everything is fine. She's either not convinced or just pretending to get extra cuddles.

No notice from the power company itself, of course.

Just got a text letting me know my wired Internet is having an outage, so I'm guessing the current power outage is affecting that as well. They're guessing it'll be a couple hours to come back.

Looks like electricity for at least this block is having issues. It's having a hard time deciding if it's on or off, but seems to mostly be off.

So the roasting advice here will be go pretty light or go decently far past 2nd crack but skip the middle unless you want a coffee that's having an identity crisis.

Also tested out into the extreme dark range. I could see someone roasting the coffee there (it holds up better than most in this range), but it's getting transformed again away from the flavor profile I want to sell with this coffee.

Dark roast range gets me what I want out of this coffee. Lots of body, some spice, still a little sweet.

Medium roast range on that is a little funky. Not in a good way.

New coffee from Sulawesi is not bad as a light roast. I'm not going to go that route for production roasts because that's not what I bought the coffee for, but it's good to know in case home roasters buying that are looking for advice.

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