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We used to do single pot packets where it was the right amount of coffee that you could just open the packet, dump it into your filter for a 10 cup auto drip pot, and get a good pot of coffee out of it, but 10 cup auto drip isn't as dominant a format as it used to be and the packaging got so expensive that I couldn't in good conscience sell that for what I'd need to charge. Given the public embrace of pod based coffees, however, there's apparently a market for obscenely overpriced coffee.

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Was a little surprised when updating prices for the quarter pound coffees (we only carry a limited selection of these around this time of year for gifts). None of them are the same price as the last time they were offered, but about half went up in price while the rest went down. Most are within 15 cents.

Random subject line from some junk email, "What would cause you to move out of your neighborhood?" My answer, "a sufficiently generous offer to buy my house."

Me, a unixy old person: "... and before end to end encryption was standardized, that meant that something called replay attacks were possible. To mitigate this, kerberos authentication was invented, which..."

A young unixy person: "can you pet it though."


"Kerberos was named for the three headed dog that guards the gates of hell, right?"

"... yes?"

"Can I pet the dog, is my question."



"Ok, no, but file that bug immediately."

It would be an inconvenient and unfriendly approach to e-commerce that people might just try for the novelty aspect.

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The hagglebot should have a variety of colorful phrases and under certain circumstances be willing to counter with a price higher than one it previously suggested or take insult at an offer and turn customers away.

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Random thought: an online store for items of questionable value that doesn't show you the price of anything, but does let you haggle.

The company that used to handle my mother's retirement account noticed that they owed her a small but not insignificant pile of money. One of the nice things about my having bought my parent's old house is that stuff like this where the error is old enough (most of the money owed is interest on their initial mistake) that the company wouldn't have gotten an updated address, I can just make sure she gets the check. Had she sold it to someone else, who knows if she'd ever see that.

I've been invited over to my mother's house for my birthday dinner not on my birthday. I wonder what we're having. She asked me what I wanted earlier and I told her that I hadn't given it any thought and that I'd be fine with just tossing a burrito in the oven and hanging out with my cat. My preferred birthday celebration, though, is just arranging to be out of the country somewhere nobody knows it's my birthday. That's obviously not happening this year.

So nobody checks how automated outgoing emails look when viewed in plain text anymore, huh? Today I got, "Your %%=LowerCase(@RiskTypeTranslatedName)=%% ID cards are ready"

At least it's short and I can tell what it means.

Nice thing about having the web site under version control: If I want the details of a past promotional event I can just go back through the updates and read the relevant diff with the details in it (either when that was added or when it was removed). Last year's New Year's fundraiser was spread out over 2 days, but it was a Saturday and a Sunday. This year we'll probably run it over 3 days since it would be Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.

Related, I'm now in a population category that's recommended to get the third dose of vaccine now so I'll be doing that. There are multiple local sites where you can just walk in and get jabbed and we'd be a lot closer to back to normal if more people were taking advantage of that.

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For a 2nd year in a row we've decided that our usual New Year's Day fundraiser is too risky, so we'll be doing something else instead.

Over 20 years ago when we were on the other side of the street, Santa's suit lived in a closet in the back room and that's where the neighborhood Santa got himself prepared as his chalet was right next door for most of the time we were there and our bathroom was kept very clean.

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My shop usually provides cocoa for a local Santa thing, but given that when you think about the various COVID risk factors, Santa has pretty much all of them, things are getting reworked to be able to do something but not be irresponsible about it. No cocoa, so we agreed to just cover the cost of the Santa so the organizers could move on to figuring out the rest of it.

Attempt #1 was just Brazil and Sumatra. It's a rather nutty Brazilian coffee which was overpowering the flavor profile. I wanted something a little darker and a little sweeter, so the Sulawesi and an adjustment in the Brazil so it's mostly medium roast but a little dark roast got me the darker roast flavor, while switching a little of the Sumatran coffee for just a tiny bit of a light Ethiopian coffee brought up the sweetness. Those changes helped tame the nuttiness.

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It took 2 attempts to sort out Holiday Blend coffee this year. The first one I was pretty sure wasn't going to be what I wanted, but would serve as a starting point. From there I identified the deficiencies and adjusted the recipe in a way that would address that and I ended up with exactly what I wanted. It has light, medium, and dark roast coffees from Brazil, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Ethiopia to make something very different from everything else on my shelf. Available soon.

The cat tried to send a toot while I was asleep. It was just the enter key pressed more times than the character limit. I think she just likes to hear the key click when she mashes her face against it.

The last of the pants I ordered online have been delivered. I would have purchased the pants locally but my local options were either hideous or don't fit.

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