(all of the competing programs I've looked at on this front do worse, but I don't think that's a good reason for me to not try to do better)
@gnomon It was a bit of a surprise. She normally doesn't go after my food with the exception of yogurt (and I guess shrimp now).
@gnomon The main use of this report is the slightly weird bar graph it generates up top showing how much green coffee was used to produce how much of each roasted coffee that goes into across how many batches.
@gnomon It was an inventory transactions report that convinced me that the coffee nobody could find must, in fact, still exist, saving me from figuring out how to make products without that coffee. It provides enough historical detail that I could rule out the possibility of data entry error.
It's been a while since I used goto in C++ but I don't feel the slightest bit bad about doing that today. The code I'm working on now is going to get refactored pretty much immediately once it's done so I probably won't need that in whatever this turns into when it ships and even if I did, well, the project I'm working on has been open source for nearly 2 decades without a single outside code contribution so I'll do what I want.
The too much work option is to just build something custom myself, which I could, but that's not a yak I need to shave.
The option that upstream is working on I might want to switch to because it's better, but I might not because it brings in too many dependencies for something most of the people using my software will only very rarely need to interact with (I'm probably the heaviest user of the feature).
Very little coding today. For the next thing I want to work on I identified 5 ways to do the first step. 2 of them were as near as I can tell the exact same thing accessed very slightly differently for compatibility reasons (hate it, not using it). One was what the previous 2 should have been implemented in terms of but wasn't, presumably for dependency management reasons (less hated, what I'm going with for now). One is not really an option but upstream is working on it. Last is too much work.
@extinct@redroo.ml There's a company owned by a person with a name close to the name of my company. His thing is coffee enema and every so often someone thinks this is a good idea but isn't very careful about where they go to find out where to buy it so they call my shop and eventually I figure out what's going on and have to tell a very embarrassed person that our coffee goes in the other way.
@gnomon My Mastodon is old. Maybe I need to upgrade that.
@gnomon Doing fine. Getting some work from home days lately to work on some new software.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.