Got ready for the impending security update. Was previously running 2.9.0 because the last time I tried to upgrade versions things broke and rather than spend the time figuring that out I rolled the changes back and figured I'd get around to it later. I guess it's later now, but this time things went relatively smoothly so whatever was broken last time around seems to have been fixed.
Had a small chaff fire in the roaster while cooling that off after the last batch of the day. Not sure what set it off. It looked bad enough from the outside that someone in the area called the fire department over, but I had it put out by the time they showed up. They stuck around while I verified that it hadn't spread into the exhaust and set up some big fans to help air the place out faster.
@goat How many years has it been September?
@caranmegil People only think demons are bad because they threaten entrenched planet killing business interests. Some say we wouldn't even have a climate crisis had we just let Maxwell's demon do its thing. So embrace your computer's demons. They're just trying to help.
One of the checks in the deposit was from a business account that I have access to so I could go and print their scan of the back of the check with my very clear written instructions on it that the credit union failed to follow.
Nobody has reached out to me about teaching at SCA Expo in Boston, but one of the classes on offer has exactly the same description as a class I developed ages ago under a new title. (I wrote the class with the express intent that lots of other people would be able to pick up the material and teach it, and many people have so don't read this as me taking issue with that. I kind of hope it is just what it looks like.)
@Taweret I read this as "tell me your top three comfort shoes" and was immediately confused by the replies.
@edsu This sounds like an excellent topic for a book report.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.