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Taxi was earlier than I booked. Don't know how long they were waiting for me, but no waiting required after the hotel checkout so that's nice.


Hope ATC will still be on the job in Chicago when my flight is trying to land.

It's the last day of my vacation (though I do have 24 hours of air travel as well) and I woke up with my ears already feeling stuffed up and hearing everything at low volume. Hope that clears up soon. Late check out was available so I won't have to worry about what to do with my luggage in the several hours between normal check out and when the cab picks me up to go to the airport.

Got a new year's promo at the coffee shop I've been having breakfast at. I think it may have been the first one they sold as the manager was showing the rest of the staff how it worked.

There's a sign near the beach with instructions on what to do if you're stung by a jellyfish and while most of the advice seems reasonable, the last is what you should do if you're unconscious and your heart has stopped. That's likely meant for whoever finds the body, but it's written as what the unconscious person should do.

I should really see if there's a setting to turn off my phone's auto-mistake feature.

@mhoye Makes sense. I avoided the things until I could get something that I could treat as a pocket computer running stuff I wrote for it myself (didn't even let my first cell "phone" on the cell network, Nokia N900) so not being able to just shove files in/out would have been a deal breaker for me.

@mhoye It's always baffled me that people bought ringtones instead of just making their own (or asking a tech savvy friend to do it for them).

Woke up to see a nice financial contribution from a long time supporter of my software work. I've been using some of my vacation time to get some good work in toward the next release.

There's a tiny lizard in my hotel room. It's not doing any harm but I hope it finds its way out before it gets hungry.

One of the interesting things about this vacation has been picking out which languages people try to use to talk to me. There's been quite a range.

@dansup Back in the Usenet days it was common for clients to have a kill list. The sound of a troll getting added to that was *plonk*.

The place I'm having lunch at today has "space chicken" on the menu. I'm 85% confident that's a translation error.

@mhoye My production machine does have a camera mounted over the sight glass used for live roast level estimation.

@mhoye I should connect my coffee roasters to the fediverse some time.


@jamey Not how it works, but if the IRS agents are all fired you can probably get away with it.

Today's lunch reminded me of why I almost never order ribs. They were delicious, but entirely too much effort to eat.

Took a look in the cutlery drawer in my hotel room. The spoon selection is certainly a choice. Half of them are a bit too big to eat with and the other half are too small. Not that I'm planning on using any of it.

Also, I'm pretty sure the hotel has dogs. At least I keep seeing the same dogs out front whenever I'm leaving or returning. They're usually asleep.

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