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One of the great things about my eclectic professional experience is that lots of people talk to me. I can't share most of the stories I hear (I'll anonymize and/or wait until the company involved gets bought out/goes out of business or until the people involved are no longer in the business) but I do enjoy hearing them.

Sadly, nobody locally wants to talk shop. I might "steal their secrets." (I totally steal ideas from others but local competitors don't have secrets worth stealing)

The oldest video game in my collection is a 2 player Computer Space cabinet (glittery green color). One of the neat gameplay elements is that shots are implemented just as a distance in front of your ship that increases over time until it hits something or reaches a maximum distance. The play field also wraps at the screen edges so you can do things like fire off screen and then rotate your ship to curve your shot into the other player. It's unusual enough that most don't expect it.

Take out again because I'm out of clean dishes. Got a free lemonade (this was my 4th drink choice because the first 3 choices were out, but hey, free).

I was hoping to have the next episode of Coffee and Code out by now, but I thought it might be nice to have some graphics for one of the sections and I haven't had time to finish writing the code to generate what I want. If it takes too much longer I'll just do without and maybe extract the audio from that section and turn it into a different video once I have more time.

hi, i'm the game designer of pacman, and keys are fruit

Immediately after everybody left the cat came out and asked for hugs.

I have running water again. All the damage was in one place.

Whenever I end up with this sort of plumbing problem I get the valves upgraded to the kind I like. The kind I like are faster and easier to turn and you can see at a glance if the water is supposed to be on or not.

The cat is in her usual hiding from strangers spot. That's behind a big chair in the corner of the bedroom upstairs.

Plumber has verified that water service to the house is off so now he can find out what the damage is and get things fixed. I miss having a toilet that flushes.

Something went boom outside and then power went off then on then off then on again

Water utility is trying to shut off water to my house so the plumber can repair the burst pipes. This apparently involves a blow torch and what seems to be the longest socket wrench I've ever seen.

My apprentice liked things closer to cup 24, but this needs to be an expensive coffee and out that dark it's not sufficiently different from another coffee in the product line that costs quite a bit less. It's important to keep the whole product line in mind to avoid having lots of tasty coffees where the primary difference is just the label on the bag.

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I liked the 18th cup (ordered from lightest to darkest) best, but I'll want to adjust the timing to see if I can boost the intensity.

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The first step in deciding how to roast a coffee is tasting to establish what the coffee is capable of. The biggest differences will just be in how dark it's roasted.

Have I mentioned yet that I hate writing graphics code? Because, yeah, I hate writing graphics code.

Let the person who does a lot of the production roasting now use the lab roaster again to get some practice on how we do product development here. She needs to get about 3x as fast at pulling samples but we all have to start somewhere.

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