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My next episode of Roast Profile Development is drafted. I still need to put together the visuals, edit the script, record, edit, &c but this should come together reasonably quickly. It's about the 2 coffees from Burundi I have right now and how you can use large differences in roast to better differentiate otherwise similar coffees in a product line.

Ordered another couple thousand pounds of coffee. It's not nearly enough, but that's what I could budget.

Was asked for advice on a side project. Suggested something that might give me an excuse to learn Lua.

One of the great tragedies of our time is that the words "discord" and "slack" have been taken over by dumb companies to use on their shitty closed chat apps.

#HailEris #PraiseBob

We know that Jake and Nog were big time dom-jot hustlers, but did we ever see a dom-jot table on DS9 or do we have to rely on our memory of TNG to know that it's like a cross between pool and pinball?

family, cancer 

My father is not doing well against the cancer (which surprised nobody after the 40+ years of smoking). Things could turn around, but my mother is doing her usual calling all the family to see the dying person while they still can thing. On the plus side, I'll get to see my nephew again who I guess is like a proper adult now.

I need to stop working late. I've done that for the past few days and I'll be doing that again today because the work needs to get done. At least I still have half of a giant sandwich left over from lunch so I don't have to worry about dinner.

Why do B2B companies keep thinking it's even remotely acceptable to take credit card information by non-encrypted email? Presumably there aren't enough businesses that realize just how terrible an idea that is.

Are you bread?

Are you bread?

Later today I'll be uploading a video with a recipe for a drink that's often described as, "like a pumpkin spice latté, but better." Available to drink all year long.

I probably want to sew the old bag back together. That looks like a repair that I can do.

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One of the straps on the bag I've been using to haul laptops broke. I'll have to figure out which bag I'm going to switch to and decide if I want to sew the old bag back together.

I'll be mixing those in with new stuff over the next few weeks. The new stuff will, as usual, go to first.

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