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Bought another 10 bags of coffee today. A bag of coffee is about 60Kg (132ish pounds).

The relevant state and city departments for such things have always been pretty proactive about passing along useful information to me and I think they appreciate that we take not killing people seriously.

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Had a nice chat with someone from the health department about changes to the food code and licensing requirements. We've apparently gone to a simpler licensing complexity and they'd be fine if we had three times as many chairs as we do, but there's no way that would be happening even if we weren't still dealing with COVID.

The cat likes to type. Her favorite key is the Enter key. Sometimes I'll wake up and find she's composed a very long toot exceeding the character limit consisting of just new lines from the Enter key. She hasn't learned how to click the Toot! button yet, but if you ever see me post something like that, it was probably the cat.

Why did I have a timer pre-dating Typica? Well, back in the days when I was doing all my logging manually, the timer that I started with broke and no local stores sold anything even remotely usable as a replacement so after wasting a day driving around trying to find something usable I spent an evening just hacking something together (which I did not release because there were already so many timer apps that it's faster to write your own than it is to find one that you like)

The hope is that people will find the new panel easier to read while providing faster access to more timing related information. There are still a couple more features that I'll want to add to this before release, but so far this is going well. While this is not a particularly high bar to clear, I think it's safe to say that the timer display in Typica 2 will be substantially better than the timers in any competing software. (As near as I can tell, nobody thinks much about roast timers)

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The batch timer is the oldest part of the current release version of Typica, dating back to before Typica was even properly its own project. Since then I've added several timing related features, each time putting the information in its own independent display panel for the people who want to use the feature. For Typica 2.0 I'm taking all of the timing related features (including some that didn't exist in 1.x) and integrating them into a single display panel.

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Today's code includes fleshing out some of the new features in Typica's batch timer display.

You hear a noise from behind a piece of furniture. On seeing it's just the cat who you thought was asleep in a different room, you realize that everything is fine.

Pretty sure I've finished with the part of the program I was working on today. There are two more features that I'd like to add to that, but now there are more important things to move on to.

The cat found a small costume accessory and decided it was a cat toy, but I didn't want her injuring herself on a safety pin so I've moved it out of her reach.

I wonder if I can use wine to get old (but not that old, like WinXP/7 era) Windows screensavers to work on Linux. I should try that some time.

The bug I didn't expect was adjusting the value of the wrong variable in a loop, thus making the loop infinite and locking up the program. Easy fix.

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The bug I expected to find was a case of the framework documentation and all related example code I've ever seen doing it wrong but the wrong thing works as long as you're not trying to do the specific thing that I'm trying to do, in which case a different approach is required. As I was writing the code I remember thinking to myself, how could the data I'm trying to pull out possibly get into the thing I'm trying to get the data out of, and indeed, it wasn't there.

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Had a chance to start testing the code I wrote yesterday. Found 2 bugs. One in the most recent code, another in slightly older code where I expected there might be a problem so I put in a check to warn me if my suspicion was right. Both pretty easy fixes.

That's likely less useful than running variable speed on the impeller, but there are a few uses for such a thing and it would let me sort out a better UI/automation for such things in Typica.

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Also ordered a new motor for the roaster. The current drum motor is still working, but the manufacturer's tech team thinks that the sound I called about indicates the start capacitor is about to go. This seems plausible to me. If it hasn't failed by the time the replacement part shows up I'm thinking about swapping those early and using the dying motor to test out the possibility of adding a variable speed control.

Kind of hate the code I finished writing today. Need to do some testing to see if it behaves correctly, but at least it compiles. Have left myself a note to go back and clean that up.

Today seems to be random utility outage day. Internet was down about 6 hours in the middle of the day (I wasn't here for most of that) and I've had 2 power failures tonight.

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