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Pro tip: Amazon is not going to contact you about refunding money with a text message sent from Tunisia. There's no way that isn't a scam. Don't click the link, just report spam and block.

Production test batches both turned out nicely.

The first time I built a pyro Qiqi I was only able to get her to deal a bit over 305K damage (but hitting 3 enemies at once so if you want to add those up and call it over 900K I won't object). Years later she's doing more than 8 times the damage with today's hit for 2,511,657. The boss can provide another 5 buff stacks if the curse doesn't kill off the team so there's still room for improvement but I'm happy with the 2.5M for now.

One of today's spam emails has a subject in Arabic and a message in Chinese. I don't read enough of either language to tell what they're trying to sell me.

Today's meeting went well. Wasn't expecting to get an order out of it today but they were ready to go on that.

Did a PDF export from LibreOffice on my laptop and for some reason it decided to replace all of the non-bold 0 with fi. Doing the same export on a different computer didn't replicate the problem. This is why I generally make my PDFs with xetex instead.

Today's physical mail included a data breach notification for my father who has been dead for years and hasn't lived at this address for even more years. Needless to say, I'm not signing him up for credit monitoring.

Why did the raccoon cross the road? I don't know, I'm just glad I didn't run it over.

Had to fire a supplier. I was expecting a couple shipments from them, but after I'd already paid for the first one the owner of the company informed me of a change in payment terms which is really the sort of thing that needs to be disclosed either before sending out contracts or in the contract. Their new terms are unacceptable to me and they weren't willing to make an exception to honor the original deal so I'm not getting the other shipment. A shame as the coffee would have been excellent.

Was doing some post-holiday roaster maintenance and I found shockingly little chaff in the cyclone of the lab roaster (I use this for product development and sometimes as a sample roaster if I want to do that myself instead of just pushing a button on the automated machine). It could just be that someone else cleaned that out and didn't mention it but I'll have to find some time to look into that.

Someone liked my photo of this glitchy photobomb sprite. If I moved the camera up or down, the sprite also went up or down, even if that meant clipping its body through the ground like this.

Had to go grocery shopping again because nobody thought to inform me I was responsible for a couple desserts before my previous shopping trip and I want to have something more reliable than hoping customers don't buy the shop's holiday cookies (I'd rather sell them).

Installed extra RAM in my sister's new computer. Hers came with the SSD retaining screw on the unpopulated slot that mine was missing so I didn't have to give her one of my spares.

The five cups are all the same thing for this kind of cupping as that allows a uniformity score (do these all taste the same? If not, how many cups are different from the others?) and it gives a better chance of detecting if there are defects.

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