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You'd think these Starfleet ships would get more science done if they didn't always park in geosynchronous orbit but nobody ever tells the away team they'll need to wait a few minutes for beam out until the ship is overhead.

The viral math trick that clickbait purveyors want you to think everybody is talking about (but nobody is): literally day 1 algebra.

The cat is making sounds like a jazz trumpeter.

The coffee on the left is lighter than the coffee on the right. The coffee on the bottom is the ground version of the coffee on the top (with greater difference for lighter coffees than for darker coffees)

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Look at that expression. That's the look of a cat who has the box

This development sort of makes me wish I picked up some of the puzzles I saw last time I was in S. Korea.

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The local map store is going out of business 😿 so my shop has agreed to take over their free jigsaw puzzle exchange. When that's moved over you can take a jigsaw puzzle home for free, bring it back when you're done with it so someone else can make it.

New business cards arrived today. I was aiming for something simpler than the old design and note space on the back. Getting rid of logos was a conscious decision.

the most terrifying feeling in programming is when a bug appears to be fixed but you have no idea why

On the way home I saw someone speeding about 30mph over the limit. They were in a big hurry to get to the stop light.

Unicorn pink hot chocolate is a thing that exists. Drink it from your left handed unicorn mug.

After the latest round of pay raises I'm paying some of my staff more than I'm paying myself. I'll have to see about bumping my own pay for 2020.

Anyway, if you want to know what my shop looks like, imagine what you see there but with more light.

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last boost: The company that was out filming recently sent me a preview video and permission to post that. Personally, I hope the final video is a little brighter and that material from the interview they did with me is not too cringe worthy.

In unrelated news, I have 1/3 of a birthday (not mine) cake.

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