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moderation, subtoot 

Given how tiny this instance is I don't have to do a lot of moderating, but if you go out of your way to @ me with your trash account I won't hesitate to full suspend.

The grocery store I went to today had various sub-headings in the cat food aisle. The happy kitty section featured the saddest looking cat models. I picked a bag from the meow section.

I should probably buy cat food tonight. She has enough that it would be fine if I held off until tomorrow but I don't want to feed her in the morning and have her noticing that there's no more cat food left.

I keep telling people, "you know, I really shouldn't have admin access on that account," but nobody ever goes in and revokes this stuff when I'm done.

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Got removed from a trello board that I'm no longer participating on. This is good and proper and I wish this sort of thing happened more often because I have way more access to stuff than is appropriate.

My two largest flat screwdrivers placed on opposite sides and overlapping in the middle works. That's good as I'd rather not have to buy another tool just for opening the giant vat of soap.

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The lid on the 5 gallon dishwasher soap has changed. It now wants the world's largest phillips screwdriver to open instead of having a place where I can just use a giant flat screwdriver as a chisel and hammer out an opening. Sadly, I don't own the world's largest phillips screwdriver and my largest flat screwdriver is still a bit too small to fit.

Why do I not have any music on my phone? There's plenty of space to put some on.

Need to stay late tonight. Short staffed so I need to be available to work the bar but there are wholesale orders that need to get roasted.

New French Roast tastes the same as the old French Roast when brewed on its own, works completely differently in blends.

Did catgirl maintenance last night. Her super fluffy tail needed a minor adjustment. (Yes, in addition to a real live cat there's also a full scale model catgirl in the house. I don't post pics because I don't want you lewding my catgirl.)

If you can get a really nice PC for the price of your phone, that phone should be on par with the technology in the squishy critter phone.

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Dear phone makers,

Nobody wants phones with a crease down the middle of the screen. We want Ranka's squishy critter phone instead.

Would Google+ have worked better had they chosen a middle ground instead of starting out with "go away, you're not cool enough to use our new service" and then switching to, "hello YouTuber, I will cram this G+ account down your throat whether you want it or not"?

Probably not, it's Google, shutting things down is what they do.

This time around my solution is a Brazil setting on the brewer, but I'd love an explanation of how this can possibly be such a widespread problem for years in Brazil and not an issue anywhere else in the world.

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Switching to a Sul de Minas for my Brazilian coffee for a little while. I was hoping that I might be able to do a medium roast and get something that can be brewed in a 3L pot without resorting to tricks but whatever is screwing up the rest of Brazil (without affecting the rest of the world) seems to be causing this problem there as well. I talked about the problem in a video a while back:

Who decided that ghostbusters needed a magical girl transformation sequence?

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