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Supposedly it's random act of kindness day and instead of doing a random act of kindness, people are trying to delegate their act of kindness to others, or put another way, creating extra work that isn't anybody's job for others so they can feel good about themselves.

I think they're missing the point here.

Also, my alderman came through on getting me a replacement recycling bin for the one that vanished a couple weeks ago. I still missed today's pick up, but it's not like I generate so much waste at home that this is going to be a problem.

1 of 2 recent coffee orders has arrived. This one contains 4 coffees that I'll need to sort out how I want to roast those now and 1 that I need to roast through another 100 pounds of the previous lot before moving on to the new one.

Between the extra RAM and the extra CPU core, my PeerTube instance is going a lot faster now when it comes to getting new stuff up. has now been upgraded with more storage (this was the driving motivation behind the upgrade, but the other stuff is also nice to have), double the RAM, and double the CPU cores. PeerTube has been configured to run twice as many transcoding threads and I'll see how that works when I upload my next videos.

I was down to <10GB of free space on my PeerTube server so I'm currently upgrading that to a larger hosting plan with more disk space and an extra CPU core. Shouldn't be down for long.

The cat suddenly rolled over and now there's a cat leaning on me.

Vendor: "check out our new web site!"
Me: "There's this thing here with unreadably low contrast"

My latest video got more views on PeerTube than anything else I uploaded there this year (3 things from my initial dump have more views). Here it is again for those of you interested in how I decide how I want to roast coffees.

Bought another couple tons of coffee today. More of the same I already have from Costa Rica, Colombia, and Guatemala, then additionally some coffees from Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia (Sulawesi), Brazil, and Peru. Odds are good that I'll still need another 1-2 tons before the end of the year.

I set a wallpaper on my phone that's a little larger than the screen and have just noticed that when I tilt the phone, the image scrolls.

There's a very large difference between having the right to do a thing and doing the right thing.

Thinking of naming my next program after my cat.

Star Trek Nerd Shit: DS9 "Past Tense" 

Behr also commented that (several months after the two-parter aired), "People are still even writing that we only presented 'one side' in 'Past Tense' and that we should have presented 'both sides' and not just the 'liberal' point of view – and I'm still trying to think what that means. In other words, we should have showed the positive aspects of putting the homeless into concentration camps? And I do admit we probably failed in that – we really did not show the many, many wonderful aspects of life without money and living in over-crowded camps."

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