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Ordered another several hundred pounds of coffee. That's a smaller order than I'd ordinarily like. One coffee is the last of what I already had on contract. The other is getting pulled from one of my supplier's other customers who's long on their position in light of current events.

If anybody wants to know what the inside of my upcoming coffee roasting book looks like, I have a few pages teased in this video:

There's a bottom of the page with the page number that's not shown and it'll look better for most people as ImageMagick has some strangeness when it comes to converting PDF pages to PNG that a proper PDF reader wouldn't have.

As both an essential worker and a small business owner I can't help but wonder if calling people essential is like when you get a more impressive sounding title instead of a pay raise.

Shipping a bunch of chai to NC today. I told them that the best value for shipping is at 2 half gallon bottles which is what fits in a regional rate B box, they ordered 4. Just to verify, I looked up what it costs to send that all in one box. It's just over twice as much as it costs to split the order into 2 separate regional rate B boxes.

YouTube found a couple channels with videos that have a 100% match to stuff I've made. One is a straight up copy that has a Russian description and fraudulently claims a CC license that I never released that video under. The other at least replaced the background music and only used most of my original video. Not cool. Removals requested on both.

The cat brought me underwear. I don't know why.

Netflix is warning about nudity at the start of every episode of DS9, but it's just referring to Odo.

The mailing list for updates on my book just got its 100th subscriber. There's no prize.

If I knew I wouldn't be waiting for a human to answer the phone I would have called to cancel the train reservation sooner. If anybody else needs to do this, just make sure you have your reservation confirmation email pulled up since that has all the information you need to provide to prove you're you and make sure they've got the right trip.

The robot lady answering the phone at Amtrak was very helpful in finishing the cancellation of my trip to Portland (they had already cancelled parts of that) and said she'd refund the money back to the credit card I used to pay for that. So, everything for that trip is cancelled now.

Later today I'll be on a conference call to discuss options for doing the class I was going to teach as a remote learning thing. I'm hoping we'll be able to sort out the logistics and funding to make that work.

It's been interesting to see what's not on the shelves at the grocery store. A lot of things are back to normal, but no gallons of the cheapest brand of whole milk (other milk fat levels well stocked) and those tubes of ready to bake bread were severely picked over.

The next episode of Coffee and Code (sleep deprived and tired edition) has been recorded. Still needs editing, but will probably be up later tonight. The cat will be in the background for most of that.

New Kenyan is on the shelf. Brewing the last of the previous lot today. They're quite different from each other.

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