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The brew kit retails for something like 4 times the cost of the class, so that's pretty crazy. I could see someone signing up treating it like a big discount on the brewing equipment and getting my roasting class thrown in for free.

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The next class I'm teaching has a sponsor that's sending a nice brew kit to everybody in my class and I guess I'm getting one, too. It's been a while since I got any new coffee brewing equipment.

Saw a good dog on the way home today. Its human was confused, but the dog was good. Also saw an idiot nearly drop his lit joint into his gas tank so that was scary.

me: *trying to be asleep*
cat: *trying to pet me*

I walked away to do laundry and when I got back the cat was complaining because she got her claws stuck in a blanket and couldn't figure out how to move. There's no way she's that helpless when I'm at work.

I thought I needed to pay a bill today but I already paid it, entered the payment into my accounting, just forgot to delete the email from my bills folder.

My orange peel arrived today (a little less than a pound). It came with some Black Lives Matter stickers and a Vaccinate pin.

Needed cat litter, but the grocery store brought back one of the local ice creams that I like so I got that, too.

Saw an article about how to keep cats out of your yard and I'm thinking, why would I want to?

I'm not stopping my mother from playing with dangerous chemicals today, but I am making sure that she's handling those safely.

One of my suppliers that I've had keeping an eye out for a nice Kenyan coffee has gotten back to me and basically said I don't want to buy the ones they just got in. I'm not going to buy any coffee just so I can say that I have it (same reason I'm currently out of coffee from Papua New Guinea). Given the choice, I'd rather disappoint the customer by not selling them what they want than disappointing them by tricking them into buying something they expect should be better than it is.

Updated the shop's web site with a couple new coffees. I still have a little bit of the previous coffee from Sumatra and the previous Decaf Ethiopia so the new ones aren't on the shelves here yet, but if you order those through the web site you'll get the new ones now.

Another cat with no fucks to give..

London Euston cat-astrophe averted for train-surfing puss

It took 2.5 hours to get the cat off the train :angery:


Registration is open for my next online coffee roasting class. There are several listed on the page. The one I'm teaching is "Roasting Styles Exploration".

By giving up on Xiao I now have enough wishes saved up that I'd need extremely bad luck to not pull pyro Youmu after work today. I think that was the right call. Spamming plunge attacks is fun, but slapping enemies with a cute ghost is better.

Business idea - Please steal:

Online classes and coaching for famous people (celebrities, politicians, major award winners) aiming to give them the skills to know when they should just shut up.

One of the last treasure chests I found before hitting 100% exploration in every currently released region in Genshin Impact. A character standing on the pressure plate wasn't heavy enough so I used Zhongli (who I mainly pulled for puzzle solving purposes), Amber (who is totally viable in the end game content, don't believe the tier lists), and Baron Bunny to get enough weight on both panels. Some day I hope to get Amber's 4th constellation for double the dancing bunny.

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