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Time for candles. My matches aren't lighting, but the burner on my siphon pot works.

Checked the power company web site. Latest update on the power outage is that they don't know why the power is out and nobody is looking into it.

I'm trying to reassure the cat that everything is fine. She's either not convinced or just pretending to get extra cuddles.

No notice from the power company itself, of course.

Just got a text letting me know my wired Internet is having an outage, so I'm guessing the current power outage is affecting that as well. They're guessing it'll be a couple hours to come back.

Looks like electricity for at least this block is having issues. It's having a hard time deciding if it's on or off, but seems to mostly be off.

So the roasting advice here will be go pretty light or go decently far past 2nd crack but skip the middle unless you want a coffee that's having an identity crisis.

Also tested out into the extreme dark range. I could see someone roasting the coffee there (it holds up better than most in this range), but it's getting transformed again away from the flavor profile I want to sell with this coffee.

Dark roast range gets me what I want out of this coffee. Lots of body, some spice, still a little sweet.

Medium roast range on that is a little funky. Not in a good way.

New coffee from Sulawesi is not bad as a light roast. I'm not going to go that route for production roasts because that's not what I bought the coffee for, but it's good to know in case home roasters buying that are looking for advice.

It was someone on redit. No real conversation for me to jump in on and since I've never bothered making an account there I'll continue to just ignore that.

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I wonder who shared the YouTube version of my latest video. Pro tip: it was available on PeerTube earlier and there aren't ads run with the video there so maybe share that version instead?

Found a dime in my shoe. This, of course, means that I need to add pocket repair to my to do list.

My latest video. Once you get past my ranting about how much I hate using presentation software there's some solid coffee roasting info in there.

The music in my latest video is an easter egg. If you're watching with your computer speaker playing the sound you probably can't hear it, but if you're wearing headphones it's there. I figured out how long the video was going to be, set a timer, and played for about that long.

Then end of this year or maybe early next year there's some coffee from Rwanda that's not in the US yet that I'm looking forward to bringing in.

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A couple new coffees are coming soon. First up I'm expecting a coffee from Sulawesi any day now. That's almost certainly going to get roasted quite dark. After that I've found a really nice coffee from Ethiopia that I'm excited to bring in. Going out past that things are a bit less certain. I'm trying to get coffees from Costa Rica and Sumatra and that's just taking some time to sort out, and once that's figured out I'll be moving on to Brazil and decafs.

Every now and then I get an order for coffee from someone and I have to think, "I've been to the city where you live. You have so many good local coffee roasters there. Why are you buying from me?" But then I take their money and mail them some coffee.

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