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Had to go yell at the credit union. They put my last deposit in the wrong account and then tried to steal a bunch of money in fees that were a direct result of their mistake.

The cat likes to make sure that I can always pet a cat, just in case petting a cat is a thing that I want to do at any given moment.

Reminiscing with staff about restaurants that had better menus before they changed ownership.

Lately I've been writing a piece of code that's a little bit too large for the amount of time in a coding session that I've had. Now that enough of it is done that I can start debugging it I'm surprised by how little needed fixing. I expected to have messed up a lot more.

Nobody has reached out to me about teaching at SCA Expo in Boston, but one of the classes on offer has exactly the same description as a class I developed ages ago under a new title. (I wrote the class with the express intent that lots of other people would be able to pick up the material and teach it, and many people have so don't read this as me taking issue with that. I kind of hope it is just what it looks like.)

Finally got around to learning how to make my own context menu entries in Dolphin (KDE file manager). That saves a Shift+F4 and mucking about in the terminal if I bother to add entries for things that I do often enough but not so often that I remember the right way to do it.

❓ Question 1: Do you type URLs into the browser's address bar frequently? (say, a few times per month)

❓ Question 2: Would your peers describe you as a "computer/tech person" rather than the opposite?

🔁 Boosts welcome, to reach "tech persons" and "non tech persons" alike. 😉

(all of the competing programs I've looked at on this front do worse, but I don't think that's a good reason for me to not try to do better)

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Not that anybody has ever complained to me that Typica uses too much memory (I think it does), but the stuff that I'm working on today should result in substantial memory savings as well as a significant speed improvement that I don't expect anybody to notice either.

The cat tried to sneak up on my bowl of shrimp, but she failed to get into it.

It's been a while since I used goto in C++ but I don't feel the slightest bit bad about doing that today. The code I'm working on now is going to get refactored pretty much immediately once it's done so I probably won't need that in whatever this turns into when it ships and even if I did, well, the project I'm working on has been open source for nearly 2 decades without a single outside code contribution so I'll do what I want.

One of my less used reports in Typica saved the day today.

The too much work option is to just build something custom myself, which I could, but that's not a yak I need to shave.

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The option that upstream is working on I might want to switch to because it's better, but I might not because it brings in too many dependencies for something most of the people using my software will only very rarely need to interact with (I'm probably the heaviest user of the feature).

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Very little coding today. For the next thing I want to work on I identified 5 ways to do the first step. 2 of them were as near as I can tell the exact same thing accessed very slightly differently for compatibility reasons (hate it, not using it). One was what the previous 2 should have been implemented in terms of but wasn't, presumably for dependency management reasons (less hated, what I'm going with for now). One is not really an option but upstream is working on it. Last is too much work.

Working on little bits of code today where I can do a thing and then it's done and I can move on to the next thing. Fixed a bug that I have no idea why the observed behavior was what it was, but the fix was obvious once I was looking at the right line of code.

Today I'm re-framing old coffee posters. They've been off the wall for a long time because the original frames had pretty much fallen apart.

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