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The company hosting this server apparently went crazy and thought the only payment info they had was a card that expired two years ago that they had been using just fine until this month. Also fixed a health insurance payment that auto-pay failed to bother trying to collect and was I guess just not going to bother mentioning anything to me about that.

Looking in the backyard, it seems that it's cat season again.

And then there are the shows that were never intended to fill a wide screen television so they zoomed in on the middle of something with hard titles so you can't read the first half of every episode title and most but not quite all of the song lyrics have fallen off the bottom of the screen.

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Some shows that had English translated versions of their OP/ED kept the original instead even when using the English audio otherwise (that's generally the right decision as song localization is hard to do well and for the most part these were awkward) So I get to wonder if current rights holders just didn't get the English song rights and couldn't use those, or if someone looked at both and made a choice to roll that back.

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So a while back I let Amazon give me the free prime which I'll be canceling because it's not worth it for me (YMMV) but in the meantime why not see what's on Prime Video? Current rights holders are making questionable choices with their 90s anime line up.

Went home for lunch after evaluating 2 production test roasts and adjusting 5 blend recipes. The cat appreciated the extra time to sit on me.

As for the medium roast, that's a closer match, which is good since I have advance orders on that and wouldn't want to have to go back to those customers and tell them that a coffee I thought would be very similar to what they tasted has turned out very different and have to renegotiate those sales.

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Tasting production test batches for coffees made from the new lot of Brazilian coffee. I sell this both as a medium roast and it's usually the coffee that becomes labeled French Roast. The darker of these is slightly milder than the previous lot, but the overall flavor profile is right and I don't think there's much to do about the slight reduction in intensity that wouldn't throw things off worse.

Just noticed that a metal part of my left shoe has been warped beyond repair. Whatever did that must have been enough force that I'd think I'd notice if I had been wearing the shoe at the time so although I have no idea how she would have done it, I'm blaming the cat. Rather disappointed. The rest of the shoe is still in pretty good condition, but I'll need to replace that before I take any kind of non-remote training/consulting gig.

Now that I have access to a Mac that can run a version of Safari new enough for CRUCS, I'm able to notice that they've got a minor rendering bug that I didn't see on iOS. The next version update will include a little more CSS that as near as I can see has no visible effect in Firefox and presumably other browsers that were already doing the right thing but gets Safari to also do the right thing.

In other news, I have secured access to a machine that will let me put out a build of Typica for current Macs once the next release is ready. It was looking like I was going to need to skip Mac builds for 2.0 so this is welcome news.

Another usability win for Linux. My laptop noticed the new printer on the network immediately and let me print without any setup at all. Windows required that I go into settings, look for the printer, and add it manually. In both cases there's no way I'm installing anything off the disc the printer came with.

New printer for the shop arrived with an extra piece that doesn't appear to go anywhere and isn't mentioned in any of the documentation.

First we're taking the California Zephyr out to California to spend some time with my sister in that part of the country, then overnight on the Coast Starlight to get over by my nephew, and then Empire Builder back home.

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Some time back I was planning to do a train trip instead of flying for a trade show but then COVID hit, the trade show got cancelled, and the trip no longer made any sense. So when my mother said she wanted to do a road trip with me and we started talking about it I tossed out the idea that if I were doing the trip on my own I'd probably take the train. I guess she liked that idea because now we have train tickets.

I had put a different compatible screw in place of the one that had dropped, but this one was a nicer and visually distinct screw so I've put it back where it was supposed to go.

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