Started with the dumbest, fastest to write, least efficient implementation of a thing that should work and while in this particular case I know there's no way I'm going to ship this, I suspect that even a 10-15 year old computer would still run this at acceptable speed and I'm half tempted to test that idea.
Fancy eggs were almost 20 cents cheaper than normal eggs today so I got the fancy eggs. A while back the difference was smaller and I saw someone take the broken egg out of the last carton of the cheaper fancy eggs and swap it for an egg from the most expensive eggs the store had. I didn't say anything because it's not like I'm the egg police.
(don't need to show ID for root beer yet, no matter how insidious you think the beverage is)
Today's grocery shopping experience was a mixed bag. On the plus side, most of what I wanted was on sale, there was a staffed check out lane with a short line, and the checker caught on that I'd arranged things on the belt in a reasonable bagging order. On the minus side, I had to let them know that they didn't need to get a supervisor to card me for the root beer.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.